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Yoga & pilates: Poses and exercises against menstrual cramps

That time of the month can make us feel downright miserable. Cramps, bloating and mood disorders mess us up and ruin our good mood. Moreover, although menstrual pains are normal, when they are of high intensity they can be a sign of endometriosis , a chronic pelvic condition.

Fortunately, research shows that low-impact exercises like yoga and pilates can have a profoundly positive impact on our health and well-being during menstruation and throughout the menstrual cycle.

Yoga and Pilates are fantastic forms of exercise for women with menstrual cycle issues. One of the foundations of these two forms of exercise is the strong emphasis on diaphragmatic breathing. Deep breathing promotes relaxation, increases concentration, improves mood, and allows stretching of the rib cage, abdomen, and pelvis.

To perform diaphragmatic breathing, place your hands on either side of your ribcage in the waist area. Close your eyes and inhale slowly and deeply, directing your breath to the side and back of your lower ribs so that you feel the air pushing against your hands. This type of breathing is what you will need to use during yoga or pilates exercises.

The importance of the pelvic floor

Like all other muscles in our body, the pelvic floor muscles need to be strengthened and stretched. Yoga and pilates are among the main forms of exercise that are given special attention during training.

During menstruation, especially one characterized by heavy menstrual pain , heavy bleeding and spotting, the pelvic floor muscles can become tight and tense. By working them, you can improve blood flow and remove any old blood build-up, as well as promote muscle relaxation. This will relieve unpleasant menstrual symptoms.

There are many exercises in yoga and pilates that help stretch the pelvis and pelvic floor, thereby regulating menstruation and reducing the discomfort caused by cramps or PMS.

Discover them with us in the following!
Moreover, if you want to pay even more attention to your pelvic floor, you can combine your yoga or pilates routine with Kegel exercises! They have an important beneficial effect on sexual health and on strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor (learn more here! ).

Yoga Exercises for Alleviating Menstrual Pain

Baddha Konasana

Diarrhea and constipation are normal when it comes to menstruation , due to the release of prostaglandins that cause the uterus to contract. They're not a lot of fun, but luckily, the Baddha Konasana pose can help. Not only does it soothe your digestive system, it can also provide relief from painful menstrual cramps. This pose will invigorate and energize you.

ALL about yoga & pilates ➤ What are these routines and what do they help? ➤ Positions and exercises against menstrual cramps ➤ Find out here

How to sit in this position:

  • Sit on the floor

  • Bend your knees

  • Bring your feet together and bring them as close to the pool as possible

  • Rest your hands on the floor or a support

  • Hold the position for 1-2 minutes

Supta Baddha Konasana

Period-induced anxiety can have a negative impact on your physical health. The Supta Baddha Konasana pose is similar to the Baddha Konasana pose and has a beneficial effect on anxiety levels. The difference between the two poses is that you will be holding Supta Baddha Konasana in a lying position.

ALL about yoga & pilates ➤ What are these routines and what do they help? ➤ Positions and exercises against menstrual cramps ➤ Find out here!

The list of menstrual symptoms alleviated by this position is extensive - from fatigue and insomnia, to anxiety, headaches and joint pain. Also, since you're leaning back in this position, your abdominal muscles relax, which can help ease cramps.

Pilates exercises to relieve menstrual pain

Pilates lunges

Pilates lunges get blood flowing to larger muscle groups and draw your senses to the periphery of your body, which can distract you from your monthly cramps. By targeting larger muscle groups, you'll increase your metabolic rate, combating period fatigue. You can use Pilates lunges as a warm-up or as stand-alone exercises.

ALL about yoga & pilates ➤ What are these routines and what do they help? ➤ Positions and exercises against menstrual cramps ➤ Find out here!

To do these lunges, stand with your feet together in a "Y" shape, placing the heel of your front foot in the arch of your back foot. Hold 1-3 pound weights in each hand. You can also use a medicine ball.

Inhale as you bring your front leg out, stepping on it and bending forward as you extend your back leg as straight as possible. The arms rise overhead during the lunge motion. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 10 times and then switch legs in between.

Spin on the wall

Spinning against the wall will relieve back pain that accompanies PMS or menstruation by relaxing tense back muscles. You can use this wall exercise at any time of the day to alleviate monthly back pain.

Stand against the wall with both feet placed one step forward. Keep your feet in a small "V" with your heels together and your toes apart. Let your arms hang loosely on either side of your body. Pull your abs in and up to open your lower back by pressing into the wall. You can slightly bend your knees to stretch your back.

Lower your head, then your shoulders and arms, and begin to slowly peel away from the wall one vertebra at a time. Continue until you reach the middle of your spine and let your arms hang freely. Press each side of your back firmly into the wall as you push yourself back up. Breathe naturally as you perform the exercise. Repeat three times in total.

What do you think of these simple exercises to relieve period pain and other unpleasant symptoms caused by "that time of the month"?

Regardless of your choice, we have an extra suggestion! Use ENROUSH Menstrual Patches during your exercise routine to help you get into a rhythm and induce a state of relaxation from the first minutes!

ALL about yoga & pilates ➤ What are these routines and what do they help? ➤ Positions and exercises against menstrual cramps ➤ Find out here!

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