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Menstruation —luck or curse?

Who invented menstruation? No, seriously.
We want to know who is responsible for all our monthly bleeding. But to find out, let's start at the beginning...

What is menstruation?

Menstruation is vaginal bleeding that occurs monthly, during which blood and tissue from inside the uterus is expelled through the cervix and vagina.
Menstruation usually:

  • it appears once every 21 - 35 days, the average being 28 days
  • lasts between 2 - 7 days
  • is the equivalent of 40 - 80 ml of blood and tissue removed

Cycle is not menstruation and menstruation is not cycle...

Every month, menstruation sheds the lining of the uterus prepared by your body to support a possible pregnancy. If an egg is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the uterus will shed the prepared tissue.

It sounds complicated, but it's not. Because your body works on hormonal signals throughout your menstrual cycle, which can be divided into three phases: follicular, ovulatory, and luteal.

In the follicular phase, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in an ovary, a follicle (ie a small cavity in the ovary) will be chosen for ovulation. Estrogen will appear in the circulation, and the endometrium will begin to thicken.

The ovulatory phase begins with a massive release of luteinizing hormone (LH), and the egg is now ready to be released. If fertilization does not occur within 24 hours, the unfertilized egg will disintegrate.

After ovulation , you go through the luteal phase . This lasts on average 14 days (if you are not pregnant) and ends on day 1 of the next period: the progesterone level drops and the cycle starts again.

Can your cycle change?

Yes. After you get past your first period, changes in the length or intensity of your cycle and period are completely normal, even after several years. These changes also depend on other factors, such as:

  • Stress
  • Diet
  • Emergency contraception
  • Some medicines
  • Excessive physical exertion
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Other conditions (endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids)

There are also irregular cycles, when you don't ovulate every month. But if the changes are major or too many, it is best to consult a doctor.
Now that we've established the basics, let's talk a little about what it means when your period is a blessing or a curse. So read on to find out more!

Curse: Why Are Periods Painful?

Cramps are a reality. In fact, menstrual pain , known in medical terms as dysmenorrhea , is specific to menstruation. They occur before or during them and can vary in intensity. It is estimated that between 50% - 80% of women have experienced dysmenorrhea at some point in their lives. It is also the most common reason for gynecological consultations and one of the most important reasons for absenteeism (at school or at work).

menstruation, menstrual cramps, organic absorbents, menstrual cycle
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The direct cause of dysmenorrhea is an excess of "super hormones" that trigger uterine contractions (prostaglandins) and a high level of chemicals involved in inflammatory reactions. It is good to know that there are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is the most frequent manifestation of menstrual pain.
These cramps last between 8 - 72 hours.
The pain can be premenstrual (about two days before the bleeding) or menstrual (with the bleeding). Cramps can vary in intensity and can be accompanied by general malaise, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue, headache or back pain.

Secondary dysmenorrhoea, a less frequent condition, occurs against the background of conditions such as:

  • Uterine adenomyosis
  • Fibroids and polyps
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Hormonal disorders

These secondary pains may appear earlier in the menstrual cycle and may last longer. They can also become more intense over time, accompanied by a much heavier flow or pain during intercourse. It is good to go to the gynecologist if you are experiencing pain of this type.
But there are also some tricks that can help you be more throughout your menstrual cycle.

Can we get rid of menstrual pain?

The most well-known support remedies for menstrual cramps are the application of heat and drug treatment. There are many alternatives that we are happy to share with you.
Although, in the end, you are the one who knows exactly what your body needs, at any moment of the day. And before we get into the details, we have to start by saying, very seriously: conventional, non-organic tampons and pads are to be avoided. They are full of chemicals and toxins that can make cramps worse. So, make sure you always choose menstrual products made from 100% organic cotton, without chemical dyes, chlorine, dioxin, or synthetic fibers. Once you use the purest ingredients, your cramps will decrease in intensity and frequency.
Of course, the pain can be treated, punctually, with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic analgesic drugs, and the doctor can recommend the right treatment.
When you need extra support (or the medication doesn't work enough), heating your abdomen with a hot water bottle / electric pillow or a relaxing bath will help you unwind and relax your muscles.
Because after all, you shouldn't have to suffer on your period. On the contrary, it can also be good luck!

Lucky: Your menstrual cycle teaches you more about yourself

What does this luck actually mean? Each and every one of us who menstruates is unique. We don't necessarily have the same experience, but we are all connected and aware of this incredible process, a process without which human life cannot exist.
It is extremely important to share these experiences with other people, menstruating or not, to evolve, learn and understand more about our bodies. And for that, menstruation itself is extremely important!
Some studies show that monthly bleeding can slow down the aging process, but whether that's true or not, one thing's for sure: periods can tell us whether or not our hormones are in balance. It can help us understand what's going on with:

  • The hormones
  • Skeletal system
  • Thyroid gland
  • Metabolism
  • Energy level
  • Emotional state

Your cycle is unique. And it's very important to know more about what it means, or how it can affect you in your everyday life. Of course, one can live without menstruation: for some women it is more beneficial for it to be suppressed; for example, in the case of endometriosis.
In any case, menstruation can also mean luck from another perspective: it's a good excuse to take more care of your well-being and take care of yourself!

How to turn menstruation into a grooming ritual

There are quite a few things that could help you improve your mood during your period and, of course, get rid of painful cramps. These can be practiced every day of the menstrual cycle as part of the lifestyle. For example, it helps to:

  • Have a balanced, healthy diet. To reduce the risks of inflammation in the body, the right food supplements also help.
  • You hydrate. Drinking enough fluids is important and can reduce period bloating and muscle pain.
  • You enjoy a herbal tea. Herbs and plants are known to have therapeutic properties, so is it worth trying a mint, chamomile, ginger or fennel tea?
  • You only use organic absorbents & tampons . Menstrual products must be 100% organic. The non-organic ones contain plastic and chemicals that seriously damage the hormonal balance. Did you know that all the toxins in conventional products can make your cramps worse?

menstruation, organic absorbents, organic tampons, 100% organic cotton absorbents
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  • Try aromatherapy, or massages with essential oils - they can help you relax very easily. Choose lavender, clove, rose, sage oil, or, why not, make your own oil mix!
  • You are testing CBD oil . Several studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mood-enhancing effects of using CBD oil, particularly in menstrual disorders.
  • Be active. The endorphins from exercise can improve your overall mood and relieve pain and cramps. It helps to take regular walks, yoga, or stretching.
  • You invest in a vibrator or a sex toy . It's no surprise that vibrators stimulate blood circulation and oxygenate the muscles. In addition, sex toys cause waves of pleasure so they can also get rid of cramps. So you only have to win :P
  • Sleep more. Sleep is essential, especially when you're menstruating. Lack of sleep can increase your stress levels in general, but when you get enough, it helps your muscles relax and recover from more painful cramps.

menstruation, menstrual cramps, organic absorbents, menstrual cycle
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Rituals, routines and natural remedies practiced throughout the menstrual cycle - can help you synchronize with your own period and create pleasurable experiences. You can even start by creating a space that is friendly to the bleeding period. But if your pain is caused by other medical problems, see a doctor. He can guide you to treatment and give you the best advice.

Create a menstruation-friendly space

Whether we're talking about home, school, or work, creating a period-friendly space can radically change the way you perceive it. It can enhance a grooming ritual and help you learn more about your body, accept it and fight against the stigma surrounding menstruation.
It is up to each of us to (re)define our space. And it's not an impossible job, on the contrary! Just organizing a basket with tampons and absorbents at home or at work is enough. It's a simple practice, but it also helps you become more aware of the choices you make when it comes to menstrual products.
Add all those little things that make you feel better: scented candles, some sweets (it would be good without sugar because its effects on the body are not the happiest either), essential oils, a few bags of calming tea, a bottle or electric pillow shamd. You know yourself best.

So? What do you do to pamper yourself during your period? And especially, what remedies do you choose to relieve cramps? Share them with us!

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