Free shipping for orders over 120 RON

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions below govern the relationship between you, as a consumer/user, and PWR HUB DMCC, a legal entity organized and operating in accordance with United Arab Emirates law, with its registered office in the United Arab Emirates, Unit No: 3O-01-BA1123
Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Plot No: DMCC-PH2-J&GPlexS, Dubai, having Registration Number DMCC189449, legally represented by Carmen Lumina as an administrator, hereinafter referred to as the "Company."

You, in your capacity as a user/consumer, a natural person, declare that you are over 18 years old, use this website, and purchase products distributed or services provided by the Company, considering and strictly adhering to these policies, terms, and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") as established below, which you acknowledge and accept by using our website. Therefore, you have all the rights and obligations provided in our Terms and Conditions, along with the Policies found on our website, which may undergo periodic changes. Any such modification will be visible on our website, becoming binding from the date of the respective amendment, which you accept, from the date of its upload on the Site. Such amendment is sufficient for publicity and enforceability towards both Parties and third parties, in your understanding and that of the Company.

Furthermore, the users of this Site and the Company shall be individually referred to as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to provide a comprehensive overview of the rights and obligations of the Parties, especially concerning (i) the use of this Site; (ii) the purchase of products and services made available by the Company to any interested person through the website; (iii) the transfer of ownership rights from Seller to Buyer (as defined below); and (iv) the online subscription.

The ENROUSH website encompasses any kind of information (text, images, databases, products, prices, logos, advertisements, products, services, prices) that constitute the content of ("the Site" or "Enroush"), owned by PWR HUB DMCC Any reproduction of the content (in whole or in part) of this Site for purposes other than personal use is subject to copyright and intellectual property legislation.

Access to and use of this Site are subject to the Terms and Conditions, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. You must access and use this Site only after reading and accepting these Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the website, including for the purpose of placing an order, registering an account, or subscribing to our emails, you accept these conditions without limitation or qualification and acknowledge that any other agreements between you and PWR HUB DMCC are replaced by the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree or do not accept these Terms and Conditions without limitation or qualification, please exit this Site.

Within this document, the following terms, if not indicated otherwise by context, shall have the meanings specified below:

User: you and any person who visits and/or interacts with the Enroush Website.
Seller: PWR HUB DMCC, a legal entity organized and operating in accordance with United Arab Emirates law, with its registered office in the United Arab Emirates, Unit No: 3O-01-BA1123
Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Plot No: DMCC-PH2-J&GPlexS, Dubai, registered under Number DMCC189449.
Buyer/Consumer: any User, natural or legal person, who uses the Website and places an order on the online store, accepting these Terms and Conditions. Online Store: the web page owned by the Company located at, through which the Buyer has access to information about products and services offered for sale by the Company. In the Online Store, Enroush products are made available for sale to Buyers, among other things. Depending on availability, products may have multiple statuses and may be sold in different packages, as described at the time of accessing the respective product. Product - the goods and services made available for sale to the Buyer by the Seller through the Online Store, accompanied by the specifications of each product, which can be consulted in the Online Store or on the packaging of the Product. For clarity, each product may have different specifications, and any such differences can be identified on the Product or in the Online Store.

Contract(s) - means the distance selling contract entered into between the Seller and the Buyer within a distance selling system, in particular by telephone or through the internet, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Parties, using exclusively one or more means of distance communication, up to and including the moment when the Contract is concluded, under which the Company as the seller transfers or undertakes to transfer ownership of Products to the Buyer, and the Buyer pays or undertakes to pay the price thereof ("Price"), including any contract that has as its object both Products and services. These Terms and Conditions and the specific clauses relating to each Product, as presented in the Online Store on the date of placing the Order, are an integral part of the Contract.
Order - the firm request made by the Buyer to the Seller by telephone and/or through the Company's Website or placed by e-mail, to purchase a specific Product or multiple Products distributed or sold by the Seller. For clarity, placing the Order represents the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, including the Price and the delivery term of the Products, which are not under the Seller's control.

Declaration of Conformity - a statement made by the manufacturer in which they inform, on their own responsibility, that a Product complies with a technical normative document, as presented to the Company by the manufacturer of that Product, a warranty to which the Company is a third party.

Legal Warranty of Conformity - the legal protection of the Buyer resulting from the effect of the law in relation to non-conformity, representing the legal obligation of the Seller towards the Buyer to, without any additional costs, bring the Product into conformity, including refunding the price paid by the Buyer, repairing or replacing the Product if it does not correspond to the conditions set out in the warranty statements or in the associated advertising, provided that these have not been altered by the action or inaction or under the control of the Buyer. For clarity, some Products sold by the Company do not support any other type of warranty, except for conformity, as long as they are and will be sold as products for intimate hygiene, consumables.
Product with Defects - The Product in which the mode of presentation and foreseeable use at the time of purchase does not offer safety, causing damage to the Buyer.

Safe Product - The Product that, when used under normal or foreseeable conditions according to the manufacturer's instructions, does not present risks or presents minimal risks, taking into account its intended use; the risk is considered acceptable and compatible with a high level of protection for the safety and health of consumers, depending on the following aspects: (i) the characteristics of the Product, packaging, and instructions for use or assembly and maintenance; (ii) the effect on other Products with which it may be used; (iii) the presentation of the Product, labeling, instructions for use, and any other indications and information provided by the manufacturer; (iv) the category of consumers exposed to the risk through the use of the Product.

Warranty Period - the time limit that runs from the date of acquisition of the Product until which the Seller assumes responsibility for repairing or replacing the Product at its own expense if the defects are in no way attributable to the Buyer.

Warranty Certificate - the warranty certificate delivered by the Seller together with the Product(s) ordered by the Buyer, specifying the conditions for granting the warranty and the Warranty Period. As an exception, this may be provided in electronic format via email or by download from the Seller's website, depending on the Product. In cases where the Warranty Certificate does not accompany the Product upon delivery, the Buyer can obtain a copy of it free of charge upon a simple request in electronic or physical format, as is useful and practical for the Parties.

Expiry Date - the time limit set by the manufacturer until which a perishable Product or a Product that may present an immediate danger to the Buyer's health shortly retains its specific characteristics if the conditions of transport, handling, storage, and keeping have been complied with. Any degradation of the Products or the use of intimate hygiene Products by any person outside the control of the Company or the Seller will void the Warranty and invalidate the Expiry Date of the Products, as they will not be able to retain their characteristics after use.
User - you or any buyer within a sales system organized by the Company, using exclusively, before and at the conclusion of the Contract, the method of distance communication included in the Online Store, or any person who registers on the Company's website.

Hidden Defect - a qualitative deficiency of a Product delivered to the Buyer that was not known and could not have been known by the Buyer through ordinary means of verification.

The Company grants permission to use the Website under the following conditions:

By accessing this Website for free, Users agree that the entire content of the Website ("Content") - including but not limited to names, logos, trademarks, texts, advertisements, software, documents, media files, products, prices, etc. - is the property of the Company or another third party and is protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights unless expressly indicated otherwise and may only be used by the User for informational purposes.

You may download the Website's Content, but only for personal and non-commercial use, provided you comply with copyright and other intellectual property right information and restrictions. Thus, Users of this Website have the ability to copy information from it for personal, non-commercial use without deleting or modifying it.

You do not have permission to distribute, modify, copy (except as mentioned above), transmit, display, reuse, reproduce, publish, authorize, license, sell, or use the Content without the written consent of the Company.

Furthermore, please note that the Company will vigorously protect and enforce recognition of intellectual property rights in accordance with applicable laws, and if necessary, take legal action against those responsible for intellectual property infringement in the competent courts of the United Arab Emirates.

In certain areas of the Website, Users may, as applicable, submit texts, files, images, photos, video files, audio files, or other materials or upload them to the Website's platform. The Company reserves the right to delete any content generated by the User that does not comply with the terms below. In this regard, Users agree to the following:

1. Do not submit illegal, defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, harassing, abusive, racist content, or violate intellectual property rights or any materials that may constitute or encourage behavior that could be considered criminal.

2. Do not submit any personal information or violate the confidentiality of any natural or legal person in any way, including by sending their personal data.

3. Do not upload software, links, or files to the Website that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that could negatively affect the functioning of the website or its elements.

4. Do not defame the Company or its Products in any way, as any harm to their reputation may result in liability for both penalties and actual damages.

5. Do not modify the source code of the Website or any integrated technologies or applications on the Website unless expressly authorized in writing by the Company.

The information provided on the Website may be available in Romanian or English, without excluding the presentation of information in other languages. Any sales contract is concluded, as applicable, in Romanian or English.

Furthermore, you must use our Website only for legal purposes and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of use.

You must not use the Enroush Site in any way or for any purpose that is illegal or violates the rights of any owner over the Content. Except as expressly specified otherwise, no part of this Site should be construed as a license or right to use any trademark or copyrighted material without the express written permission of the trademark owner or copyright holder.

The following uses are prohibited:

- Any unlawful or in any way infringing on applicable local, national, or international laws or regulations.
- Any fraudulent purpose.
- Any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, or direct or indirect marketing to anyone by any means.

Your access to and/or use of the Site constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and obliges you to comply with them.

By ordering a Product or registering on the Site by entering your data in the section designated for placing an order, you agree that your personal data will be collected and processed for this purpose, as well as for commercial and marketing purposes, as follows:

In the case of ordering a Product without registering an account, you agree that the personal data entered on the company's website will be collected and processed for this purpose.

Additionally, by checking the box corresponding to subscribing to the Newsletter, you agree that the personal data entered on the company's website will be collected and processed for this purpose, and you agree to receive information by email and SMS from the Company. Your consent is valid even in the event of your order not being finalized or for any other reasons, immediately after entering the data, and you have the right to withdraw your consent later, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions on our website.

In the case of placing an order with a registered account, by creating the account and entering your data in the section designated for placing an order, you agree that your personal data will be collected and processed for this purpose, as well as for commercial and marketing purposes, and this represents your consent to receive information by email and SMS from the Company.

You can unsubscribe through a link in our emails or SMS messages, in the account section of the Site, or by contacting our customer service team at, and we will remove you from any email marketing communication. If you opt out of receiving email communications, you will be removed from our email database. However, your account will still be valid for use.

You can contact us at any time and request your personal information or ask us not to use your personal information for marketing purposes. Please also refer to our Privacy Policy.

We have the right to revise and modify these Terms and Conditions at any time and at our discretion, with your initial acceptance of the Terms and Conditions extending to any changes over time. It is your responsibility to constantly review the updated Terms and Conditions presented on the Company's or Seller's Site. You can withdraw your consent by sending a request to the email address email:, but placing a new Order will be considered as your acceptance and understanding of these terms at the time of placing the new Order.

You will be subject to the Terms and Conditions in effect at the time you use this website or place each Order, except when the application of any changes to these policies is required by law or by a government authority, in which case any potential modifications will also apply to Orders placed by you prior to such changes.

The Company accepts the conclusion of distance contracts through electronic means and, therefore, undertakes to comply with the applicable legislation regarding the conclusion, validity, and legal effects of these contracts.

The Company holds all intellectual property rights over the Online Store, including the Products, trademarks, design, website functionalities, images, and technical specifications, unless otherwise specified. The characteristics of the Products in the Online Store are presented on the Website, and the Company provides technical support for their display.

The Company, as the Seller, provides the Buyer with professional information about its Products free of charge to achieve the purpose mentioned in the online Order. The content published in the Online Store on the Website is for informational purposes and provides information about the Products for sale, as well as other data considered to be of interest to Buyers.

The information and data contained in the Online Store do not constitute an offer for sale by the Seller but an invitation to offer (invitatio ad offerendum). The descriptions of the Products serve only the purpose of informing and formulating firm and binding offers by Buyers in the form of Orders addressed to the Seller. There will be no contract between you and us concerning any Product until your Order is expressly accepted by us. If we do not accept your offer, and funds have already been withdrawn from your account, they will be fully refunded.

Any accepted Order implies the conclusion of a distance contract between the Seller and the Buyer, whether a natural person or a legal entity, within a sales system organized by the Company, exclusively using the distance communication technique included in the Online Store.

The moment of concluding the Distance Contract with an individual, respectively, the moment of concluding the Contract with a legal entity, is constituted by the moment when the Buyer receives the written acceptance message regarding their Order.

You cannot transfer, assign, encumber, or otherwise dispose of a Contract or any of your rights or obligations arising from it without obtaining our prior written consent.

The content of the Contract will be stored by the Company on our Website and can be accessed by you within the password-protected User account, provided you have created such an account in the Online Store before submitting the Order. For clarity, in the absence of a written contract, your Order, accepted by the Company, represents the sales contract, and the terms and conditions in this policy are understood to constitute the sales terms and conditions of the Products.

By placing the Order, the Buyer declares that prior to the conclusion of the Contract, given that it is concluded remotely, they have been informed by the Seller about all aspects regarding the contractual relationships between them, as well as about the ordered Products. The Buyer acknowledges and accepts that (i) placing the Order creates an obligation to pay (ii) they are aware of all costs associated with the Order, including but not limited to the selling price, delivery costs, costs related to the bank transfer of the price of the Products (iii) the conditions for exercising the Buyer's right of withdrawal, including the fact that in case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Buyer will bear the cost of returning the Products, including, without limitation, transportation costs for the return of the Product, postage fees, and any other costs related to the total or partial use of the Product, as well as any costs incurred by the Seller in accordance with Art. 14 para. (3) of Government Emergency Ordinance 14/2014;

The Order can be placed by the Buyer in one of the following ways, as applicable:
by phone call to the phone lines published in any manner by the Seller. The Buyer pays the telephone call cost at the basic rate, according to the Seller's telephone service provider's tariff;

by the Seller's online platform, specifically through the Online Store on the Website, following the written steps;

by email, at the email address indicated by the Seller for this purpose;

The ownership of the Product or Products from the Seller to the Buyer is transferred at the moment when the Buyer pays the Price of the ordered Product/Products delivered by the Seller.

The Seller takes constant steps to present the most accurate and relevant information for the Products offered for sale in the Online Store. If Prices or other Product information have been displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right not to honor the Order and to notify the Buyer of the error if delivery has not been made.

Product images are displayed in the Online Store for presentation purposes. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors and images of our Products that appear in the Online Store. The Products actually ordered may differ in terms of certain characteristics (e.g., color shades) from the actual appearance of the Product, depending on the batch in which they were manufactured. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee that the display of your computer monitor will be accurate in terms of the colors of the Products.

Certain Products may be available exclusively online through the Site. These may have limited quantities and can only be returned or exchanged in accordance with our return policy.

We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit the sale of our Products to any person, geographic region, or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantities of any Products we offer.

In order to conduct the Contract under good conditions, the Company, based on the Buyer's expressed agreement, may contact the Buyer by email or telephone if, following interaction with the Website, the Buyer completes their identification and contact details. The purpose for which they will be contacted is to expressly request any information to successfully complete the Order.

In the Online Store, the Products are displayed with several types of availability, depending on which the Products can be ordered online.

At the request and with the agreement of the Buyer, the Company may recommend to the Buyer the purchase of another Product of equivalent quality and at an equivalent Price to those requested in the initial Order. The initial Order is considered canceled on the date of confirmation of the Order for the Product/Products that replace the initial Product.

For the purpose of optimizing the online Order service, the Company reserves the right to restrict customers' access to certain features of the Online Store, such as the inability to complete an online Order if the User has not created a user account.

Additionally, some features provided to customers in the Online Store, such as delivery and payment methods, may be subject to conditions/restrictions based on the selected Product and other conditions related to stock and specific delivery methods.

All Prices for Products in the Online Store are expressed in RON and include VAT. Product Prices are periodically updated. The Price of the ordered Product is the one displayed at the time of placing the Order. All Product descriptions or Prices may be changed at any time without notice, at the discretion of the Company. We reserve the right to discontinue the display in the Online Store of any Product at any time.

We also reserve the right to remove any Product from this website at any time, in our discretion, and to remove or modify any material or content from this website. While we make every effort to always process all Orders placed, there may be circumstances that require us to refuse processing an Order after the Order confirmation message has been sent, and we reserve the right to do so at any time.

We will have no liability to you as a Buyer or any third party for removing any Product from the Online Store, for removing or modifying any material or content on this website, or for not processing an Order after we have sent the Order confirmation message.

Any information regarding the Contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller will be stored for a limited time and will only be available to third parties at the request of judicial authorities or with the Buyer's agreement.

For any errors that occur in the transmission of the data necessary for the processing of the placed Order, you can contact us at the email address After the processing of the Order by the Company, we do not assume responsibility for errors resulting from incorrect data transmitted by the Buyer.

As the Buyer is a consumer, the effects of the Contract will cease depending on the Product(s) purchased either (i) upon the expiration of the withdrawal period or (ii) upon the expiration of the Warranty with respect to these rights/obligations.

Communication with the Online Store can be done when interacting by posting opinions about the Company's products and services, through the available contact form, by using the email address, and/or by phone at the phone number provided on the Enroush Website.

ORDER PROCESS To place an Order and make purchases on the Enroush Website, the Buyer can create a user account through the platform on the Website. Additionally, the Buyer can place an Order without registering if they choose not to do so.

On our Website, there is an option to purchase Products as an unregistered User. In the case of this type of purchase, only essential data required for processing your Order will be requested. The processing of this personal data by the Company will be carried out in accordance with applicable law and its Personal Data Protection Policy. Any complaint regarding the collection and processing of personal data can be sent to the email address: At the end of the purchase process, the Buyer will be given the opportunity to register as a User or continue as an unregistered User. Refusing to register as a Website User will not in any way affect the acceptance and execution of the Product Order.

The Buyer can place an Order from the Product listing page or the individual Product page using the integrated online order form in the Online Store, and then proceed to finalize the Order by selecting a payment and delivery method.

To place an order, you need to follow the online purchase procedure and click on "Authorize Payment." By doing so, after entering your personal information and clicking the purchase button in the Order process, you are sending a legally binding Contract offer regarding the Products in the shopping cart. After this, you will receive an email from us confirming the receipt of your Order. Please note that this does not mean that an Order has been accepted, as your Order constitutes an offer you make to the Company to purchase one or more Products from us.

Payment for the Order can be made in two ways: either in cash upon delivery or online through the Braintree payment processor For clarity, the online payment processor may be replaced with another authorized processor, in case the processor designated in this section is no longer able to process payments temporarily or permanently for the Company, with any terms and conditions related to online payment governed by applicable law and the terms presented by the payment processor at the time of placing the Order.

All Orders are subject to acceptance by the Company. Therefore, the Contract between the Seller and the Buyer for the purchase of a Product is concluded only when we send you written confirmation of the acceptance of your Order.

Products added to the shopping cart without clicking the purchase button do not result in the registration of the Order or the reservation of the Products added to the cart.

The Seller reserves the right to refuse the Buyer's Order or Orders at any time, for any reason, whatever they may be. For example, we mention objective reasons (presumption of fraud, the Buyer is a minor, the Products are not in the Seller's stock and will not be for a period of another 30 days from the Order date) or reasons related to the Seller's commercial strategies.

The Seller may accept the offer, i.e., the Order received, within 7 days by sending a written confirmation of Order acceptance or, exceptionally, by delivering the ordered Products to the Buyer or by requesting the Buyer to pay the Order Price. Provided that one of the mentioned alternatives applies, the Contract may also be concluded when one of the situations mentioned above first occurs.

In case the Company, in its capacity as the Seller, does not accept the Order within the specified time frame, this will be considered a rejection of the offer, so after this moment, the Buyer is no longer bound by the placed Order. The Order acceptance period begins on the day following its placement and ends at the end of the seventh day.

All Orders for Products depend on the availability of the respective Products in our stocks. In this regard, in the event of supply difficulties or if the Products are no longer in stock, we reserve the right to inform you about alternative Products of equal or superior quality and value that you can order. Therefore, the Parties understand and agree that all provisions of the Contract remain perfectly valid for the sale of a Product presented as a replacement for the one currently featured if this was accepted by the Buyer when placing the Order, following the depletion of the Seller's stock of identical Products. If you do not wish to order these replacement Products and if the Company has already received payment for the ordered Products, we will fully refund any amounts you have paid.

For the successful completion of the order process, the Buyer assumes that all contact details provided by them are complete and correct. If necessary, to successfully complete the Order, the Buyer may be contacted by the Seller through the means agreed upon at the time of providing contact details.

Before confirming and sending the mandatory Order, the Buyer can correct all data entered by them. All entered data will be displayed in a confirmation window and can be corrected there.

Given that Order processing and communication usually occur via email, and Order processing is automated, it is the Buyer's responsibility to ensure that the email address provided for Order processing is correct so that emails sent by the Seller can be received at this address. In particular, it is the Buyer's responsibility, if SPAM filters are used, to ensure that all emails sent by the Seller during Order processing can be delivered.

In the case of Order acceptance, the Seller undertakes to deliver the Product/Products to the Buyer at the address specified by the Buyer in the Order ("Delivery Address"). If the Buyer modifies the Delivery Address, they are obliged to inform the Seller about this before the Seller has handed over the Product/Products to the Carrier for delivery to the Buyer. Otherwise, it will be considered that the Seller has fulfilled its delivery obligation, and the Buyer will pay the transport cost for delivering the Product/Products to the new address communicated by them, subsequent to placing the initial Order.

The costs of Order delivery will be borne by the Buyer, and this will be done through Fan Courier or Nemo Express as the initial courier service providers, which may be replaced by another courier company under different conditions. The choice of the courier remains the Buyer's option. The delivery period of the Order is to be determined by the Carrier, and the Company is not responsible for Order delivery. Additionally, the delivery timeframe can be checked on the Carrier's websites:,, or on the website of the respective courier company chosen at the time of placing the Order.

The Seller reserves the right to cancel the Order placed by the Buyer in various situations, including:

- Payment not being accepted by the approved payment processor due to incorrect or incomplete client data.
- The card or transaction not being accepted by the issuing bank.
- Payment made by bank transfer or internet banking not being completed within 3 working days.
- Inability to deliver the ordered products via courier or other means due to reasons such as the client not being reachable by phone or not present at the delivery address.
- The price of the Product being unreasonably low.
- The Product no longer being in stock.
- And other similar cases.

In the event of Order cancellation, neither party may claim damages.

For electronically paid orders, the Seller is not responsible for any additional costs incurred by the Buyer, such as transaction fees or currency conversion fees if payment is not made in the local currency. These issues are the sole responsibility of the Buyer, and any disputes should be resolved between the Buyer and their card-issuing bank.

The subscription agreement (referred to as the "Subscription") for a recurring delivery can be entered into for either three (3) or six (6) months, covering a total of three (3) deliveries. By placing a Subscription Order, you, as the Buyer, authorize the Company to automatically place and dispatch an Order for the selected subscription items at a scheduled interval.

The final total of your Subscription Order may vary due to price changes, tax rates, customs duties, and/or shipping costs. The Order total will include the sales tax, if applicable, which will be applied to each subscription Order.

The shipping cost will be applied based on the shipping method you selected for your initial Subscription Order. For example, if you chose expedited delivery for your initial order, this delivery method will be used for all subsequent Orders within the Subscription.

Both parties can terminate the subscription by providing written notice at least 14 days before the end of the Subscription period. If no notice is given or if a termination notice is not provided in a timely manner, the Subscription will be automatically extended for an additional month, with a termination period of 14 days before the end of the Subscription period. However, termination or suspension of the Subscription can only be done after placing at least 3 Orders according to the chosen Subscription. Otherwise, the User/Buyer will be required to pay the actual price difference for the Products ordered in Orders where the Subscription discount was applied, and the price for individual Products will be applied from the Order date, canceling the Subscription's terms and benefits, upon the Buyer's direct or indirect request to cancel the Subscription.

The right to terminate the Subscription for a valid reason remains unaffected.

The termination notice must be in written form to be effective. Termination can be done through the User account or via email at, under the conditions mentioned above, and only after placing at least 3 Orders, without incurring additional costs.

Orders can be placed online at any time, but the processing period takes place daily within a shorter time frame determined by the Company. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays will be processed on the next business day.

If the Buyer is new, the Seller may assume the acceptance of the Order on behalf of the Buyer when there is a confirmation by phone or email. Once the online Order is initiated, the Buyer agrees to the subsequent form of communication (phone or electronic) as well as the Seller's mode of operation.

The Company may offer vouchers, referral programs, discount codes, or any other promotions within the Online Store (hereinafter referred to as "Promotions").

Promotions are valid:
- for limited periods specified on the product presentation page in the Online Store
- within the limits of available stock.

The Company cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from information published in the Online Store due to errors that are not its own.

The Company reserves the right to supplement and/or modify any information in the Online Store without prior notice to Site Users, including the validity period of Promotions.

Our Promotions are subject to the following conditions unless expressly stated otherwise:
1. Promotions are not transferable.
2. Any Promotion must be redeemed when placing the Order. Subsequent crediting is not possible.
3. Different types of Promotions cannot be combined.
4. Promotions can only be redeemed in the country for which they are granted.

We implement Promotions under the motto of "good faith." We reserve the right to exclude Users suspected of acting in bad faith in their dealings with the Company and in the course of any Promotion organized by it from any kind of Promotion.

All prices for Products in the Online Store are expressed in RON and include VAT as required by current legislation. Product prices are periodically updated.

The price of the ordered Product is the one displayed on the date of placing the Order, unless there is an obvious error. While we take care to ensure that all prices indicated on our website are correct, errors may occur. If we discover a pricing error for any Product in your Order, we will inform you as soon as possible. In this case, we reserve the right to cancel the Order, refunding the full amount paid, or we can offer you the option to confirm the Order at the correct price.

The Company is not obliged to sell any Product at an incorrect lower price (even if you have received a Shipping Confirmation from us) if the pricing error is obvious, unmistakable, and could have been reasonably recognized by you as an error.

Based on the information held by the Company and the information provided by you as the Buyer, we will issue an invoice for the delivered Products. Furthermore, the Products will be accompanied by the documentation provided by the supplier and required by law for the ordered Product(s) (e.g., a declaration of conformity, Global Organic Textile Standard certificate).

The Buyer is obligated to provide complete and accurate data necessary for invoice issuance in accordance with applicable legislation. In this regard, the Company will not request from the Buyer, through the forms on the Website, any confidential information other than that necessary for invoice issuance, Product delivery, or the completion of the online Order process.

When we receive the Order, we may request a pre-authorization of your card to ensure that there are sufficient funds to complete the transaction and pay the Price. You will be solely responsible for any incidents and damages caused to us or third parties as a result of providing us with banking information that does not belong to you.
Credit cards are subject to verification and authorization by the issuing entity, and if the entity does not authorize the payment of the Price, we will not be responsible for any delays in the delivery of the ordered Products or non-delivery.

The Company will send the Buyer the invoice related to the Order in electronic format, available online at the Buyer's email address and/or in physical format, along with the delivery of the Products. Thus, the customer has the possibility to keep track of the issued invoices.

If the invoice is not received by the Buyer at the email address provided by them when placing the Order, within a maximum of 48 hours from receiving the Products, they are kindly requested to send a notice to the Company's contact email address.

The content of the Contract concluded between the Parties will be stored by the Company as the Seller. Additionally, the content of the Contract stored on the Enroush Website can be found by the Buyer in their password-protected User account, provided that they have created a User account in the Online Store before placing the Order.

The Seller is responsible for the proper packaging of the Products. The risk of loss of the Product is transferred to the Buyer, respectively to the Carrier, at the moment of delivery of the Order to the Carrier and the Buyer, on the date of delivery.

The Carrier assumes responsibility for the delivery of the Products ordered by the Buyer.

Subject to the provisions regarding the availability of the Products and unless there are extraordinary circumstances, we will make every effort to complete your Order with the Products listed in the Order Confirmation and ship them by the specified date or, if no delivery date is specified, within the estimated timeframe stated at the time of selecting the delivery method.

The Seller undertakes to deliver the Products through approved courier companies Nemo Express and Fan Courier. The shipping costs and the Seller's partners can be identified on the websites: and, respectively, of the carrier chosen by you when placing the Order.

All Orders are shipped on the same day if placed before 12:00 PM. Orders placed on the weekend are shipped on Mondays, and the general delivery time is up to 3 business days, which is why we recommend selecting the Subscription option for recurring Orders.

Please note that delays may occur due to customs processes in the destination country selected by the Buyer or due to unforeseen circumstances. Any fees incurred during the customs process are the sole responsibility of the Buyer.

If, for any reason, we are unable to meet the delivery date, estimating a significant delay, we will inform you of this situation and offer you the option to proceed with the Order with a new delivery date or to cancel the order with a full refund.

Please note that, as a general rule, we do not deliver on Saturdays, Sundays, or on public holidays as required by applicable law.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "delivery" is considered to have taken place or to have been "delivered" when you, or a third party designated by you, physically takes possession of the Products.

The Buyer has the right to reject the delivered Products if they do not conform to the details specified on the Product page.

The Buyer shall take possession and ownership of the Products after signing the transport document and making the payment (if not already made by card or bank transfer) to the courier.

The risk of loss or damage to the Products is transferred to the Buyer at the moment when the Buyer, or a third party designated by the Buyer, other than the Carrier, takes physical possession of the Products. However, the risk is transferred to the Buyer at the time of delivery of the package by the Seller to the carrier if the Buyer has entrusted the carrier with the transportation of the package, without prejudice to the Buyer's rights against the carrier contracted by the latter.

A package is considered lost after a period of 21 business days for international orders that have not been delivered. Although Orders normally take much less time to be delivered, we cannot ship a replacement until this time has passed. Additionally, the Seller cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by a Buyer due to delays or non-delivery of the Products, regardless of the delivery method, as the Carrier is responsible.

Also, if the Buyer or another person designated by the Buyer is not present at the delivery address at the time of delivery by the courier, the Buyer may contact the courier directly to arrange for delivery on a later convenient date or to personally pick up the package from the courier's office. The Buyer has 21 days to pick up the package before it is returned to the Seller as undeliverable. In this case, please note that the Seller will treat the Contract as terminated and will not attempt to resend undeliverable packages, instead refunding the value of the Products ordered by the Buyer, excluding the delivery fee. Please note that terminating the Contract may involve additional costs, and we reserve the right to pass these costs on to you.

If the package is returned to us due to an incorrect or incomplete address, you, as the Buyer, are responsible for paying all shipping costs for the Seller to resend the Order to the correct address you subsequently provide. The Seller is not responsible for the loss of the Order if the address provided at the completion of the Order is incomplete or incorrect.

The products distributed by the Seller to the Buyer benefit from the Global Organic Textile Standard ("Guarantee").

The Seller provides a Guarantee only for Products that, by their nature, can have such a Guarantee.

To the extent that there is a reason for returning the Products, they may be replaced by the Seller with other identical Products and delivered to the Buyer after the latter has returned the initial Products to the Seller.

The Guarantee concerns the Conformity of the Products with their specifications as presented by the Seller in a publicly available manner, regardless of the method of communication (online, television, etc.).

The Products are in conformity with the Contract if one of the following conditions is met:
- They correspond to the description given by the Seller and have the qualities described on the Seller's website and/or mentioned in the Seller's advertising spots and/or in the Declaration of Conformity and/or in the leaflet of the Products, as applicable;
- They correspond to any specific purpose requested by the Buyer, a purpose made known to the Seller and accepted by the latter at the conclusion of the Contract;
- They correspond to the purposes for which Products of the same type are normally used;
- Being of the same type, they have normal quality and performance parameters that the Buyer can reasonably expect, given the nature of the Product and the public statements about its specific characteristics made by the Seller, the Manufacturer, or its representative, especially through advertising or labeling of the Product.

It shall not be deemed a lack of conformity if at the time of concluding the Contract, the Buyer was aware or could not, reasonably, have been unaware of this lack of conformity, or if the lack of conformity originates from the materials supplied by the Buyer.

The Seller is not responsible for the public statements described above in any of the following situations if (i) it did not know and could not have reasonably known the statements in question; (ii) the statement was corrected at the time of the conclusion of the Contract, or (iii) the Buyer's decision to purchase the Product in question could not have been influenced by the public statements in question.

In the event that the Product has defects or is non-conforming, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing of this ("Complaint"), specifying in concrete terms the nature of the lack of conformity, within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the Product by the Buyer. If the Product has a Hidden Defect, then the aforementioned deadline shall be calculated from the date on which the Buyer discovered the Hidden Defect.

The Complaint shall be communicated by the Buyer to the Seller (i) through postal or courier services at the address indicated for this purpose in the returns section; (ii) by email; (iii) by completing the contact form; (iv) by phone at the phone number displayed on the Enroush website.

Through the Complaint, the Buyer may request the Seller (i) to replace the Non-Conforming Product(s); (ii) to repair them free of charge for the entire Warranty period if they are Durable Use Products; (iii) to reduce or refund the Price, all of which shall hereinafter be referred to as "Remedial Measures."

Failure to meet the deadlines mentioned above entitles the Seller to refuse to take Remedial Measures.

The Buyer shall not be entitled to demand that the Seller take Remedial Measures if they are impossible or disproportionate.

To the extent that the Seller refuses without any reason to replace the Non-Conforming Product, although the Buyer has complied with the deadline for filing the Complaint and has returned the Product, the Buyer may demand that the Seller either rescind the Contract or reduce the Price accordingly.

The Buyer shall not be entitled to rescind the Contract if the lack of conformity is minor. Lack of conformity may be considered minor, and the enumeration is illustrative, if: the packaging of the Product is degraded without affecting the qualities and properties of the Product; the packaging contains minor scratches that do not affect the Buyer's information about the composition and/or installation of the Product; the color intensity of the packaging and/or the Product is different from that presented by the Seller.

As a rule, the Warranty Period is the one provided by the Manufacturer. In no situation shall the Warranty be granted for a period longer than 2 years calculated from the date of delivery of the Product. However, for Products with an Average Useful Life of less than 2 years, the Warranty Period is automatically reduced to the respective duration, i.e., to the warranty period presented on the Product's packaging.

If you enter into a contract with the Company as a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days without providing any reason, except for cases where you are already a party to a Subscription Contract. In the case of a Subscription Contract, by placing an order within the Subscription, you have agreed to the conditions and limitations of placing a minimum of 3 Orders to benefit from the accessed price reductions before being able to withdraw from the Subscription Contract.

Thus, except as provided in Article 16 of Government Emergency Ordinance 34/2014, the Buyer has the right to a 14-calendar day period to withdraw from the Contract ("Right of Withdrawal") without being obliged to justify the decision to withdraw and without incurring any costs other than those provided for and established in the Contract. The Buyer, prior to concluding the Contract, has been informed by the Seller and thus knows the conditions for exercising the Right of Withdrawal available on the Site.

The Buyer declares and acknowledges that he/she has been informed by the Seller about the Right of Withdrawal and that, prior to concluding the Contract and during the execution of the Contract, he/she has all the means to address the Seller with any questions regarding the exercise of the Right of Withdrawal.

The 14-day period is calculated from the date of receipt of the Products by the Buyer or by a third party indicated by the Buyer, provided that the Products have not been opened, used, or altered in any way by the Buyer or a person designated by the Buyer, for intimate products ("Return Period"). The Return Period shall be calculated separately for each delivery of the parcels in the case of successive delivery of Products subject to a single Order. Throughout the Return Period, the Parties shall fulfill their contractual obligations.

When the Buyer decides to exercise the Right of Withdrawal, he/she shall inform the Seller in this regard within the Return Period, through a clear, concise, and unequivocal declaration, in one of the following ways: (i) by written notification sent to the Seller's email address; (ii) by completing the online return form.

Once we receive your refund request, we will provide clear instructions on how to return the Products.

When the Buyer exercises the Right of Withdrawal, the Seller is obliged to refund the Price to the Buyer within a maximum of 14 days from the date on which the Buyer informed the Seller of the exercise of the Right of Withdrawal, after the Seller has confirmed the receipt of this information in accordance with the contractual provisions and only after the Seller has received the Products returned by the Buyer.

The Company will refund the amounts using the same payment method that you used for the initial transaction.

In the event that the 14-day period has passed since the receipt of the Product, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to request the return of the Products and a refund from the Seller.

You will return the Products without unjustified delay and in any case, within the aforementioned period of up to 14 calendar days.

The Buyer assumes the cost and risks associated with returning the Products and is responsible for any decrease in the value of the Products resulting from handling, transportation, etc.

You cannot withdraw from a Contract whose object is the delivery of any of the following Products:
1. Customized Products
2. Sealed Products that cannot be returned for reasons of health or hygiene and have been unsealed by you after delivery (including intimate products).

The Buyer's right to withdraw from the Contract applies only to Products that are returned in the same condition as they were received. No refund will be made if the Product has been used after unsealing, if the Product is not in the same condition as delivered, or if it is damaged. Therefore, you should take reasonable care of the Products while they are in your possession.

The Product must be in the original packaging, and the seals of the boxes cannot be opened or damaged.

The Buyer is responsible for paying the return shipping costs. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the return shipping cost will be deducted from the refunded amount.


This document serves to make transparent the objectives and posting rules of the reviews section on the Site. The review section has been introduced to provide customers with the opportunity to share their experiences with the Products. Your opinions are carefully analyzed by the Company's employees, who use them as a guide in selecting Products and the range offered to Buyers.

By posting user-generated content on the Site, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license without requiring the company to make any payments to the user/client or any third party.

This license includes the right to host, reproduce, modify, adapt, and distribute any user-generated content published on the Company's Site.

Recommendations, suggestions, and rules for posting reviews on the Company's Site:

1. Reviews will be posted on the site within a maximum of 3 business days from the date of submission, provided that the recommendations and suggestions in this section are followed.

2. If you believe that a review violates these recommendations, please report it to us by email or the phone number provided on the Enroush Site.

3. Only relevant and honest opinions about our products and services will be published on the Site.

4. When expressing your opinions, please be as specific as possible.

5. You can include suggestions for other users based on your experience with the Product to help them form an opinion about the Product.

6. The information provided should be realistic and not misleading.

7. Do not include your contact information (or confidential information about others) in the body of the comment. These details should be provided in the designated fields (e.g., name, email, phone). Please do not use false contact information or information that does not belong to you.

8. We reserve the right not to publish reviews that contain offensive or defamatory language, criticism of other Users who have posted previous messages, or intentionally misleading opinions.

9. We reserve the right not to publish opinions or questions on stock and product availability, price, delivery, and other details. For such inquiries, please contact us by phone or email provided on the Site.

10. We reserve the right not to publish messages that refer to products and offers from other companies, contact persons, or any links to them (website address, email address, contact details, physical address, etc.).

11. We reserve the right not to publish intentionally misleading opinions, malicious opinions, opinions that directly or indirectly advertise other products, false opinions, or incomplete opinions.


By accessing the Site, you agree that your use of it is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties of any kind, except those that cannot be legally excluded in the case of consumers and Users.

Thus, except as expressly stated otherwise by law or in these Terms and Conditions, our liability in connection with any Product purchased through our website is strictly limited to the purchase price of that specific Product.

Additionally, the Company is not responsible for any direct or indirect incidents or any other losses, costs, or expenses of any kind that may arise as a result of accessing or navigating the Site or through data downloads (text, images, video, or audio).

We do not guarantee and do not provide warranties that:
a) The Site will be available at any time or from any geographical location;
b) Your access to the site will be continuous or uninterrupted;
c) The Site will be accessible or optimized for all browsers, computers, tablets, phones, etc.

We provide no warranty or representations regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the content on this website. The content of may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. We have no responsibility for errors or omissions, and your use of this Site and its Content is at your own risk.

We reserve the right to suspend access to the Site in whole or in part for any reason, including commercial or operational reasons, such as improving its appearance or functionality, updating content, periodic maintenance, or resolving any issues we may encounter.

The Terms and Conditions of this Site are legally binding. Therefore, the Company reserves the right to make changes to the Enroush Site and its terms at any time. The User/Buyer will be bound by the new Terms and Conditions from the moment of the update's publication on this Site. You should review this page before each access or use.

Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for any damage caused by viruses, bugs, human actions, or any computer system malfunction or any other errors, defects, or communication delays in device transmissions.

All information and materials on this Site are provided free of charge, without any warranty whatsoever. In no event shall the Company be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special damage resulting from the use or inability to use this Site, and shall not be liable for any damages arising from errors, omissions, interruptions, errors, defects, operating or transmission delays, or any Site performance failures. We do not guarantee that any of the functions contained on the Site or your access to it will be uninterrupted or error-free.

The Company may publish links to third-party websites on the Enroush Site. The content, hyperlinks, or information on those other websites are not under our control. We do not endorse any material on any site, and we provide no warranty and assume no responsibility regarding the quality, accuracy, source, commercial nature, suitability for purpose, or any other aspect of the material on any other published sites. We do not guarantee that the materials on the displayed links do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person. Any transactions you have with a site displayed on our page are at your own risk. We assume no responsibility for any action, omission, or failure to perform obligations, negligence, or any loss or damage caused by a third-party site published on the Enroush page.

Upon creating and using a User account, the User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login data (access). The User shall keep the username and password confidential and use them responsibly for managing orders and facilities available in the customer account.

Users agree not to share or transfer passwords or any other access information to any third party. Users are solely responsible for the use of the account and the confidentiality of the password.

By accessing the Site, creating a User account, and placing Orders, the User/Buyer expressly and unequivocally accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Site and the conditions under which the online ordering process takes place, as presented on the Site.

The Company cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the loss of purchased Products or the use of Products after delivery, except for the legal and conventional warranties granted.

The Company reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of the Site and the general conditions under which the online ordering process takes place at any time. The customer confirms acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by checking the "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" checkbox. The distance contract concluded is conducted under the Terms and Conditions valid at the time of the agreement.


The Buyer shall not disclose, to any third parties, by any means, any private information received from the Seller, under penalty of being obliged to pay damages.

The Seller reserves the right to use the information provided by the Buyer for the purpose of fulfilling the distance Contract.

The Seller reserves the right, with the Buyer's agreement, to store and use for its own purposes, for marketing activities, any information provided by the Buyer through the Site. Furthermore, the Seller will not provide any third party with the information received from the Buyer, except for approved partners, service providers with whom there is a contract protecting this data received from the Buyer.

You understand that your personal data (excluding credit card information) may be transmitted unencrypted, and this may involve (a) transmissions over various networks; (b) changes to conform and adapt to the technical requirements of network or device connections.

Credit card information is always encrypted during transfer.


We will not be held liable or responsible for any failure or delay in the performance of any of our obligations under a Contract if it is caused by events outside our reasonable control ("Force Majeure Event").


These Terms and Conditions of use, all documents referred to, and any disputes arising out of or in connection with them or any other documents referred to, whether contractual or non-contractual, shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates.

The courts of the United Arab Emirates, located at the Company's registered office, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims or disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and any documents referred to.

The Company may, at any time and without prior notice, revise these Terms and Conditions by updating them. You are bound to comply with any and all such revisions, so you should periodically visit this page of our Site to review the updated Terms and Conditions of use.


The User/Buyer understands and agrees that their personal data will be processed by the Company. The Personal Data Policy can be found by accessing the website

If you wish to contact us regarding your personal information or these Terms and Conditions, please use the contact information provided on

Trade Register No.: DMCC189449
Unit No: 3O-01-BA1123
Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Plot No: DMCC-PH2-J&GPlexS,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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