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All about Pregnancy Tests

A pregnancy test can be a cause for anxiety: if your period is late and you didn't protect yourself the last time you had sex, even though you don't want a pregnancy. Or maybe the second time when you are waiting for a positive result! In any case, what is to be done? When can you take a pregnancy test? How do you interpret it and how much confidence can you have in the result? We talk about all of them in this article!

Pregnancy test - What is it and how does it work?

Most pregnancy tests work on the same principles, and all the variants you find in pharmacies have written instructions - which we recommend you read carefully.
The basic principle for most tests is simple and the same: pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. The tests are done at home, quickly and easily.

Find out EVERYTHING about the pregnancy test ✓ How much does it cost? ✓ How and when is it done? ✓ How do we interpret the results? ✓ What do we do next? ✓ Find out here!

When should you take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test starting from the first day your period was late, and if you are not sure when you should have your period, it is recommended to do it at least 21 days after unprotected sexual contact. It is good to know that some tests can be used even before menstruation, and above all, each person can have different symptoms.

Here are some common early pregnancy symptoms:

  • Abdominal cramps. When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, you may experience cramping.

  • Spotting. It may be implantation bleeding and may occur 6 to 12 days after fertilization of the egg.

  • White vaginal discharge. Immediately after conception, the walls of the vagina will begin to thicken, and the body will produce a specific secretion.

  • Swollen, painful breasts. Breast changes occur very early in pregnancy due to changing hormones, and the color around the nipples can become darker.

  • Increased level of fatigue, more than usual. It can be due to hormones (progesterone increases), or the drop in blood pressure and increased blood production.

  • No menstruation. The most common symptom of pregnancy is a missed period, although a missed period is not always a sign of pregnancy.

  • Nausea. Especially when it occurs in the morning, it can be an early sign of pregnancy, although it is not true for all people.

  • Other signs can be: frequent urination, constipation, mood changes, dizziness, headache, muscle pain especially in the back area.

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms in early pregnancy. Additionally, you may not be able to tell the difference between pregnancy signs and premenstrual symptoms because they are often similar.

How much does a pregnancy test cost and where can I buy it?

But if you notice some of the above symptoms and want to know if you are pregnant, it's time to buy a pregnancy test. Where can you buy it and what is the price of a pregnancy test?

You can purchase a pregnancy test online, on platforms such as emag or online pharmacies. You can also find them in any pharmacy. You can take a supervised pregnancy test at a medical center or clinic. The prices vary between 10 - 70 lei, and the tests can be bought without a prescription.

How is a pregnancy test done?

Most pregnancy tests are very easy to use. They have either an absorbent end or a slot for collecting urine.

Depending on the test design, the interpretation may differ. Each test has a time interval in which it must be read for the result to be correct. So, in most cases, reading can be done after 5 or 10 minutes, and changes after 10 minutes not being relevant. But don't worry, you'll find all these instructions in the box of the test you purchase.

This result can appear either in the form of + or - signs, or as a change in color or the appearance of lines.

Find out EVERYTHING about the pregnancy test ✓ How much does it cost? ✓ How and when is it done? ✓ How do we interpret the results? ✓ What do we do next? ✓ Find out here!

What is the hormone hCG or beta-hCG?

hCG is a hormone produced by the placenta. It can help the follicles to mature and trigger ovulation, and with the help of this hormone, a pregnancy test will determine whether or not you are pregnant.

The hormone hCG or beta-hCG can appear 6-10 days after implantation of the fertilized egg: an hCG level lower than 5mlU/ml will mean a negative result, and an HCG level >= 35mlU/ml means a pregnancy.

Pregnancy result - What does a positive pregnancy test look like?

​​​​​​Before taking a test, you must remember the fact that the result can be influenced by the way you do it and the time of day (the best time is in the morning after waking up). It is not excluded that there may be errors in the result.

So how do you read a pregnancy test result?
Most tests will display two red dashes (C + T), thus indicating a positive result.

We can take, for example, a Stork test.

  • A single pink line in position 1 indicates that the hCG level is between 25mIU/ml and 100mIU/ml, the concentration that occurs when you are up to 2 weeks pregnant

  • Two pink lines in positions 1 and 2 indicate the hCG level between 100mIU/ml and 300mIU/ml. Appears at three weeks of pregnancy.

  • 3 pink lines in positions 1, 2 and 3 mean up to 4 weeks of pregnancy

  • 4 pink lines indicate more than 4 weeks of pregnancy

  • And if no line appears in area C, the result is invalid.

What can lead to a false positive?

In some rare cases, you can get a false positive when:

  • You have recently had a pregnancy, after a miscarriage or termination of pregnancy

  • You have rare forms of ovarian cysts

  • You are using certain medicines that contain the hormone hCG - fertility treatments

Negative Pregnancy Test Result

The negative result will be indicated by the pink line in zone C only.

What can lead to a false negative result?

But there is a chance of getting a false negative, which is more common than a false positive. If you are not sure that the test result is correct, it is best to go to a clinic.

Invalid result

When the first line does not appear or only appears next to the T symbol, it means that the pregnancy test is invalid and you will need to repeat it.

How safe is a pregnancy test?

Although most tests promise to give accurate, 99% reliable results from the first day your period is late, studies show that not all tests are so reliable when you take them very early in your pregnancy. Most are recommended one week after the delay of menstruation, for greater accuracy of the result.

Types of pregnancy tests

There are several types of pregnancy tests that you can buy in pharmacies and perform at home - and although they are different brands or types, most of them work the same. Don't worry, any pregnancy test will have written instructions, which we recommend you read carefully before taking a test. But let's see what types of pregnancy you might encounter.

Find out EVERYTHING about the pregnancy test ✓ How much does it cost? ✓ How and when is it done? ✓ How do we interpret the results? ✓ What do we do next? ✓ Find out here!

Strip type pregnancy test

The strip test is easy to use: collect a urine sample in a clean, dry container and insert the test with the arrowhead down on the marked line for a few seconds. The test is then placed on a flat surface and the result will be displayed after 3 minutes.

Many pregnancy test strips detect low levels of hCG, and can give accurate results as early as the first day of a missed period. The result is interpreted in the first 5 minutes, not later.

Cassette type pregnancy test

The cassette test works on the same principle as the strip test. You will collect a urine sample in a clean and dry container, then, using a pipette, you will collect the urine and put 3-4 drops into the compartment of the pregnancy test. The result is interpreted after 5 minutes, but not later than 10 minutes.

Pen pregnancy test

Another type of test that can detect hCG in the early days of pregnancy is the pen pregnancy test. You collect a urine sample in a dry and clean container, insert the absorbent end for 3 seconds, and after 3 minutes, you can read the result. The absorbent end can be inserted directly under the urine stream, without collecting the urine in a separate container.

Digital pregnancy test

It's a more advanced pregnancy test because it can tell you how far along the pregnancy is. Similar to the strip test, the digital test is inserted into a clean, dry container where you have collected a urine sample. The test is left for 20 seconds, then placed on a flat surface for 3 minutes, after which it will display the result - and the result will remain displayed for 24 hours.

Ultrasensitive pregnancy tests - how do they work?

Pregnancy tests can also be ultra-sensitive and can detect the level of the hCG hormone as early as the first days of pregnancy. They can be done 5 days before your period is late, at any time of the day.

Pregnancy tests 8 days after conception

And if you are looking for an extremely sensitive test, there are also test variants that can detect a pregnancy 8 days after conception. An example is the Viola Super test, which can detect the lowest level of hCG (down to 5IU/L). It is recommended, however, to use it in the morning, with the first urine of the day.

Are there substances that can interfere with the test results?

Some medications can interfere with the result of a pregnancy test, especially infertility treatments or those containing hCG. Contraceptives (the pill) or antibiotics do not influence the result of a pregnancy test.

However, a false-negative result can occur for various reasons and factors that influence the test result, such as:

  • A chemical pregnancy - a loss of pregnancy that occurs very soon after implantation

  • An ectopic pregnancy - when the fertilized egg implants outside the main cavity of the uterus. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy (symptoms include increased pain in the abdomen, heavy bleeding or spotting or dizziness - contact your gynecologist.

Frequently asked questions about the pregnancy test:

After how long will the pregnancy be visible on the test?

If you want a result as soon as possible, you can opt for an ultra-sensitive test, which can detect the lowest levels of hCG hormone, right at the beginning of pregnancy (8 days after conception). But most pregnancy tests work after the first day your period is late or the first week of being late.

Can you take a pregnancy test when you are on your cycle?

Yes. Menstruation does not change the test result, and the level of hCG remains the same. Some people have period-like bleeding that can occur during pregnancy. It could be implantation bleeding.

If you bleed, we recommend using organic, chemical-free and plastic-free menstrual products to take care of your hormonal balance.

Does the pregnancy test have to be done in a certain part of the day?

Most brands recommend using them in the morning, because urine is more concentrated. But if you take the test after a period in which your period was late, you can perform it at any time of the day, because the amount of pregnancy hormone is already high enough to be detected.

Is it possible to detect pregnancy without a test (with oil/sugar)?

In short: no.
In ancient Egypt and Greece, a common method was to use garlic or onion. Also in Greece, a test consisted of drinking a mixture of honey and water before the evening, and in the morning if the person had symptoms of bloating, it meant that she was pregnant.

Another variant was the oil test: in a container where urine was collected, two drops of oil were added, and if these drops merged, the result was positive. Although it remained a common method until late, it has not been scientifically proven to be safe.

Another method often used was with the help of sugar: a few spoons of sugar were mixed with urine, and if the liquid became homogeneous, the result was positive. But this test is not scientifically proven either.

Other information - What's next?

Depending on the result, you can plan what to do next. First, if the test is positive, schedule an additional blood test and/or an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.

If the test is negative and your period continues to be late, you can repeat the test after a few days or a week, and if it is still negative - and your period is even more late, consult a gynecologist. Because there can be several causes for the delay of menstruation, including periods of intense stress, intense sports, hormonal disorders.

The pregnancy is desired

Find out EVERYTHING about the pregnancy test ✓ How much does it cost? ✓ How and when is it done? ✓ How do we interpret the results? ✓ What do we do next? ✓ Find out here!

What happens after the visit to the gynecologist? If you are pregnant and want to continue the pregnancy, you can start prenatal care. Your gynecologist will calculate your approximate due date and recommend the vaccines you should have and prenatal tests to ensure the fetus is developing healthily.

The pregnancy is not wanted

If the pregnancy is not wanted, there are methods of terminating the pregnancy. The first step, and in this case, is to talk to your doctor.

Find out EVERYTHING about the pregnancy test ✓ How much does it cost? ✓ How and when is it done? ✓ How do we interpret the results? ✓ What do we do next? ✓ Find out here!

In Romania, legal termination of pregnancy, upon request, can be carried out up to the 12th week of pregnancy. Among the termination methods are the pharmacological method, which can be used up to 9 weeks of pregnancy and provided that the drugs are not contraindicated, and the instrumental method, which can be performed under local or total anesthesia.

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