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Sex during menstruation: tips, benefits and risks

Sex. Menstruation.

Two words that you probably have a hard time putting in the same sentence. Have you ever wondered why? Why is sex during menstruation a taboo subject? After all, sex is a personal and intimate act, and you decide when, how, or if you say yes. But if you feel like you don't enjoy sex enough when you're on your period, then this article is for you!

Note: When we write sex, we include the different ways you can do it with a person, regardless of your body, preferences, or gender identity. So don't just stick to the idea of penetrative sex. Because sex is much more. But let's start with the beginning.

Can you have penetrative sex during your period?

Absolute! And luckily, more and more people understand that menstruation is something natural, leaving fear or revulsion aside. Sex during your period depends a lot on what you and your partner want and how comfortable you are. Did you know that you enjoy natural lubrication and that can be a turn on for some?

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What are the benefits of sex during the cycle?

You may have heard / read about the naysayers: it's too complicated or too "dirty"! But you must also hear the pro reasons, but especially about the benefits of sex during menstruation.

🩸 Menstrual blood acts as a natural lubricant

No extra costs or potential chemicals: menstrual blood is an excellent natural lubricant.

🩸 More privacy, less taboo

When you feel comfortable with your body, and your partner feels equally comfortable regardless of the situation, intimacy takes on new meanings. In addition, you can learn more about the partner, it may even surprise you!

Plus, sex during your period removes negative perceptions and menstrual shame (still real), promoting acceptance and self-care!

🩸 Sex during the cycle reduces cramps

You read that right: sex helps reduce menstrual pain and cramps. Orgasms help the body produce more endorphins, hormones that make you happy and which are natural pain relievers against back, stomach or head pain. Plus, those same endorphins help you channel your energy better.

🩸 Increased sensitivity

What does this mean? Not only stronger orgasms, but also every touch you feel is intensified. Now you can experiment and play, as your body will have different, stronger sensations.

🩸 Shorter period

Muscle contractions inside the vagina and uterus may be responsible for this, speeding up the elimination of blood and the result being a shorter period.

In short, there are a lot of reasons why you can enjoy sex during your period! And if you don't feel in the best shape (cramps, bloating, too much sensitivity to touch or smell), that's ok too! Any reason you don't want to have sex is valid. Especially if you take into account the small disadvantages of sex during menstruation (but which, however, have solutions)!

And yet, what are the risks?

  • An unwanted pregnancy - if you don't protect yourself

  • Increased risk of infections - the cervix being more open, the risk of bacteria or viruses entering inside is increased

  • Increased pain - due to increased sensitivity

What you need to know or 7 tips to help you

If you don't know exactly where to start, don't worry! We've been there and what we can tell you 100% is that nothing is wrong, as long as you feel (and are) safe, protect yourself against STDs and/or an unwanted pregnancy, and everyone has their consent given. The rest… is up to you and your preferences, but still, if you insist, we have some tips for less stressful sex - and a lot more fun.

1. Haste spoils the job

Our recommendation is to take your time; during your period, the cervix descends from its position and so you risk hitting it - which can cause pain.

2. Are spots stressing you out?

It's the perfect time for sex sessions in the bathtub / shower: no stress about having to clean the clothes or the bed.

3. Forget penetration

sex during cycle, sex during menstruation, sex, cycle

Use this time to play more and differently, exploring different erogenous zones or trying new things: think fingers, external vibrators, long kisses, role playing - basically, the options are endless!

4. Communicate with your partner

One of the essentials is of course communication, so ask your partner how he/she feels and tell him/her what you want. You should be on the same wavelength.

5. Do not wear menstrual products

Whether you wear a menstrual cup or an organic tampon , make sure you remove the product before you start anything. If you wear a menstrual pad, you can wear it during penetrative sex, but make sure you empty it before you start!

6. Use the towel

A dark colored towel is a surefire way to prevent stains from bedding. So you can have one handy if it makes you feel more comfortable.

7. Protect yourself

sex during cycle, sex during menstruation, sex, cycle

Because the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases still exists during menstruation. The good news is that you can use the condom (internally or externally).

Every cycle is different, you just have to know yours and understand your body! And if you want to read more, discover what factors can influence your pleasure.

For shame free conversations
and happily breaking taboos!
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