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How to create intimacy without sex

Maybe you remember the 90s: flipping through magazines like Bravo, Popcorn, Cosmopolitan, you couldn't help but find a page dedicated to intimacy, where the best practices and sexual positions , compatibility between signs and dos and don'ts were described on a date. Have you ever wondered if there is more to intimacy than these things? If so, we have the answer!

What is privacy?

According to researchers, intimacy is created through 7 key factors:

  • trust
  • Acceptance
  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Safety
  • affection
  • communication

When these things exist in a relationship, partners have intimacy and grow together. But have you noticed something missing here? That's right – sex. Because, in fact, intimacy means much more than undressing in front of the other .

4 different types of privacy

Studies show that there are 4 different types of intimacy:

Physical intimacy - affectionate touches that satisfy the desire to be touched. This can be completely non-sexual, such as hugs, pats on the back or massage.

Find out 5 ways in which you can create intimacy without sex ✅ Tips for creative ideas and many other useful information.  Read >>

Emotional intimacy - an understanding and acceptance of your partner, a soul connection due to shared experiences and pleasures.

Spiritual intimacy - shared spiritual experiences, beliefs and values.

Intellectual intimacy - learning and discussing topics of common interest together.

Intimacy in a relationship

Intimacy in a relationship is about more than being sexually compatible!

What can be more than that? You probably guessed it: the trust, security, honesty, and compassion that creates the feeling of being in a close relationship where you can be you. And even if sometimes you don't feel like sex, you can have moments of intimacy with your partner.

Find out 5 ways you can create intimacy without sex ✅ Tips for creative ideas and many other useful information.  Read >>

Have you ever thought that the difficulties you encounter when you can't keep the flame of passion burning can be explained by science? That everything is not so relative? I wrote an interesting article about how pleasure works (and what turns you on or not) so we recommend you read it!

After all, no matter how much time you spend with your partner, it can be normal to go through a period where you seek intimacy outside of sex. Here's how you can find it, through 5 fun ways you can do it anytime!

More hugs

Sure, you'll say, but we hug every night before bed! Cuddles during the movie or after sex are the most common. But how many times do you hug your partner for no reason during the day? Did you know that cuddling has been scientifically proven to be good for your health and can help increase intimacy and emotional closeness between you and your partner?

A cozy hug can be a good excuse for some alone time, either to talk or just rest together. During this, your body releases oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin, basically resulting in a feeling of happiness and connection.

Massage, a form of self-care

And if we're still cuddling, try the deep massage! It might be just what your partner needs to unwind and de-stress from the week. In addition to being a form of self-care, you can take your massage to another level by using a massage oil. Do it one at a time and communicate where you feel tension. The fact that you dedicate a session to him on a planned day will emphasize the intimacy between you through the care you have for each other. So, you have nothing to lose - on the contrary!

A sensual shower or a relaxing bath

A shower with your partner doesn't have to end with sex! The relaxing space in the shower can be the perfect reason for privacy and self-care. What could be more enjoyable than a session of soaps in play? And if you opt for the bathtub, you can create an even more relaxing atmosphere: with ambient music, a bottle of wine and face masks! A nice way to connect with your partner while totally relaxing.

A long walk

How wonderful is it to wake up on a Saturday morning and decide to go for a long walk with your partner? A super fun activity and perfect for conversation and nature exploration. You can even make it a date by planning your route ahead of time, with stops at a nice cafe or restaurant. And if you opt for a hike or a hike, the advantage is that you will admire the beauty of nature together. Regardless of the destination, a long walk can be a way to strengthen intimacy in a couple.

What you don't like, doesn't matter to someone else

But...things change when it comes to changing your routine too! For example, you can try an activity that your partner likes, and vice versa! It's the perfect opportunity to show each other why you like a certain thing. It could be watching a favorite movie, taking a trip that one of you has been wanting to take, visiting something from the other's childhood. Or if he tries to get you to watch football – see a game together, finally.

Intimacy does not happen by accident and cannot be developed overnight. Instead, building intimacy is an investment of time, energy and affection! And if we talked about intimacy, the products you use during menstruation are the most intimate hygiene products, so it's important to take care of your health.

Find out 5 ways you can create intimacy without sex ✅ Tips for creative ideas and many other useful information.  Read >>

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