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Let's talk about what (not) turns you on

Have you ever thought that the difficulties you encounter when you can't keep the flame of passion burning, can be explained by science? That everything is not so relative?
Surely this thought is not foreign to you: one day, with age, problems related to sex will come... But science and researchers can contradict us! Old age is not to blame, but there are several factors that can influence libido and the way we experience sex throughout life. What are these factors?

Subjective VS Objective. What is pleasure?

Sexual pleasure, arousal, libido - occur when you are mentally and physically ready and eager for sexual activities. It's your sexual desire and can include masturbation, fantasies, or sexual contact with another person.

The definition of a happy sex life is subjective: our wants and needs differ from person to person and can change throughout life. From people in love with sex (of various kinds) to asexuals, pleasure means many things! But it's not quite that simple: pleasure can also be objective , because it is also influenced by biological, psychological, physical or social factors. And they can affect your sex life in a positive or negative way. There are factors that can be changed or removed, and there are factors that will always influence you. And no matter how much control you have over some of them, one thing is for sure: pleasure is not 100% up to you!
In short, not everything is black and white, but there are many nuances when it comes to subjectivity versus objectivity. After all, sex is both mind and body, right?

arouse, sex, masturbation, pleasure, about sex, arousal

It is important to be aware and talk about the fact that there are several external factors that can change your pleasure, because only through dialogue can we reduce the (still existing) stigma related to sex education. Because, after all, it's about everyone's health.

But let's see what are some of the most important factors that can influence sexual pleasure and health!


  • Age can affect pleasure, especially around perimenopause and menopause—but not for everyone.

  • The menstrual cycle has a say in hormone levels: for example, many women have a higher level of arousal during ovulation and menstruation, but not all. Hormones are also to blame here, because while progesterone increases (after ovulation), studies show that sexual desire decreases.

  • Menopause - lowers estrogen levels and causes vaginal dryness - but there are solutions to improve symptoms


How you experience (or not) sexual arousal and pleasure depends on a variety of psychological, social or cultural factors, such as attraction, emotional and physical closeness, curiosity, love, some moral beliefs about sexuality - and many others. Stress is also an important mental factor that influences sexual health and pleasure.

In addition to all this, there is also sexual abuse and other intimate experiences that have negative influences on desire, arousal or orgasm. In turn, intimacy is closely related to how you express your sexuality and self-esteem.


Here are probably some of the most important external factors that have proven to be important in your sex life:

  • Contraceptive methods based on hormones (birth control pills, for example) influence both negatively - some people feel the side effects as negative on pleasure - and positively - from a psychological point of view, some people feel safe and comfortable

  • Accidents or injuries

  • Diseases and chronic conditions (sexually transmitted infections, diabetes, heart conditions, hypertension, depression, endometriosis, etc.)

  • Medicines (antidepressants) or surgery

  • Sport, on the other hand, can positively influence pleasure. Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial for sexual health.

While some factors that negatively affect sexual function cannot be changed, others can be addressed through behavioral changes or with the help of your doctor: for example, if the antidepressants you are prescribed are having a negative effect on you, you can ask your doctor to change the treatment.

arouse, sex, masturbation, pleasure, about sex, arousal

How do I know what I'm feeling is "normal"?

Everyone's sexual desire is different. There is no normalcy when it comes to everyone's interest and pleasure. Because pleasure can change based on things like stress, medications you take, and other physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors.

Communication matters as much as the present

Maintaining a healthy sex life also means communicating with your partner. Set aside special time for exploring pleasure together and discussing sex-related topics. Help each other understand what each other's needs and wants are by being transparent and open!
At the same time, it is essential to be in the present: because many couples think nostalgically about the sexual experiences of their "youth", which is not necessarily beneficial. Turn remembering into a way to find solutions to improve your pleasure now, in the present. There are tons of sex education resources at your fingertips, and we're here! If you have suggestions about what you would like to read on the blog, write to us!
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