In psychological and emotional terms, there is no rule about resuming sex life after childbirth. Each woman recovers at her own pace, depending on her health, physical condition and hormonal fluctuations. Only you know when you are physically ready, but especially when you are mentally and emotionally ready to resume your sex life and feel good with your partner.
From a medical point of view, the standard recommendation is to wait about 6 weeks.
From the outside, you may have the impression that the waiting time should be shorter than after a normal birth, just because there are not the same changes in the vagina. But the truth is that even after a cesarean birth, it takes time for the cervix to close completely and for the body to recover and be ready for sexual contact.
That's why many women wait 4-6 weeks after a C-section to become sexually active again. But it is best to wait for the opinion of the specialist doctor, who will make the right recommendations according to your own healing rhythm.
After a caesarean section, the hospital stay is generally between 2 and 4 days, during which time you will recover, receive care and support, and gradually taper off pain medication or other medical equipment.
As I told you above, even if you didn't give birth normally, you still need time to recover. Vaginal bleeding may occur for up to 4-8 weeks. It will take the same amount of time for the cervix to close, and the uterus to return to normal size.
Therefore, the period required for recovery is more or less the same regardless of the type of birth, and during this time it is recommended to avoid sexual contact, the use of tampons and the introduction of any foreign body into the vagina.
Pain during sex after a cesarean birth is not uncommon. The body is still recovering, and patience is needed as you resume your sex life. Keep in mind that:
So each problem leads to another problem, ultimately causing discomfort, sensitivity or pain when resuming sex. If you find yourself in this situation, use a lubricant or talk to your gynecologist to recommend a moisturizer or estrogen eggs.
Patience and communication between partners is the key to resuming your sex life after any type of birth. If you rush, you only put pressure on yourself physically and emotionally, increase your anxiety level and of course your frustration level if things don't go as expected.
Give yourself time to reconnect with your partner and for your body to become comfortable with sexual activities. In addition to lubricant, sexual foreplay , communication, Kegel exercises, oral sex, masturbation or other techniques can be just as important in returning to a normal sex life.
As I mentioned comfort, it is essential on a physical and emotional level for sex after childbirth to feel good again .
Physically, the abdominal area has a harder time recovering and may remain tender from a C-section until the sutures are removed about a week after birth. Numbness, tingling or slight discomfort may persist for several months even after the 6 weeks in which the incision area heals.
As long as it does not turn into pain and is not accompanied by a fever, this discomfort is usually not a cause for concern. That doesn't mean you don't have ways to increase your comfort level and enjoy intercourse. For example, you can try sexual positions that do not apply pressure to the abdominal area and the incision.
Psychologically, it's just as normal to have feelings of anxiety, panic, or fear that make you hesitate to have sex even if the desire to do it is there. So comfort must also be felt on an emotional level, so that stress and worries don't ruin your experience. And here a very important role is played by the relationship with the partner.
Communicate openly, talk about what's bothering you, what you want or don't want to do at the moment. Be patient and use methods of relaxation and reconnection starting with non-sexual closeness such as cuddling. I talked more in another blog post you might find helpful about how to create intimacy without sex . Massage, foreplay and lubricant can also be reliable allies to restart your sex life in a pleasant way.
And as with any sex-related discussion, it is necessary to address the topic of contraception. It's not just about protecting yourself from an unwanted pregnancy when you don't want a baby yet. Even when you plan to get pregnant again in the future, contraception is important until your body has fully recovered.
In principle, it is recommended to wait at least 12-18 months after a caesarean birth before another pregnancy, to give your body enough time to fully recover and be ready for all the challenges that a new pregnancy entails task. So here's what's good to know about contraception after caesarean section:
Whether you're breastfeeding or not, whether you gave birth naturally or by caesarean section, whether you got your period or not, theoretically you can get pregnant again only 3 weeks after giving birth. That's why it's so important to use a method of contraception as soon as you resume your sex life, so you don't get pregnant again before your body is ready for it.
The advice of the gynecologist is very important, because the specialist closely follows the way your body heals and can give you the most suitable recommendations for you. So don't hesitate to ask him for advice on:
I was saying that changing the sexual position and choosing one that does not put pressure on the abdominal area is a good idea to avoid discomfort and pain during sex after childbirth.
The doggy style position, the classic missionary position and standing sex are some of those that involve deeper penetration or put pressure on the abdominal area. In general, this is also why they are some of the best sex positions . But after a C-section, that's all the more reason you'll want to leave them for later, when your body is fully restored.
Instead, we recommend choosing positions that allow you to control the depth and pace of penetration, so you can stop or adjust your position as soon as you feel something is wrong. Some options would be:
Kegel exercises can generally improve your sexual experiences, but even more so in the postpartum period. They strengthen your pelvic muscles, which can affect your arousal, sexual pleasure and satisfaction, including your ability to have an orgasm.
If you need a little guidance on their practice, we're here for you. In another article on the Enroush blog, I explained everything you need to know about Kegel exercises, how and why to do them .
Maybe many things change and are different, but the purpose of sex remains the same whether it's before, during or after a pregnancy: to feel good together with your partner. So, summarizing everything we talked about in this article, here are some recommendations to make sex after cesarean birth as pleasant as possible: