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May 28 - World Menstruation Day

You probably already know how important it is at that time of the month, both physically and emotionally, to enjoy healthy menstrual care - and that's what May 28 is all about. If you use Enroush products and are part of our community, you've surely noticed how much we care and value your intimate health with pure organic cotton products that don't compromise your intimate health.

Unfortunately, the same monthly care is still a privilege for the millions of women around the world who do not have access to menstrual products. This is where World Menstruation Day has its roots, and that's what we're going to talk about today.

World Menstruation Day: Is there really a day dedicated to menstrual health?

Yes, it really exists, and we celebrate this day on May 28. And yes, even in Romania this movement is gaining momentum and attracts more and more women and organizations every year. It's officially called World Menstrual Hygiene Day, but it's known by many other names: Menstrual Health Day, Menstruation Day, World Menstruation Day.

Prioritizing menstrual hygiene and beyond, the movement is about normalizing menstruation and managing it in a healthy way both physically and mentally. That means no shame, anxiety, stigma or discomfort.

Whatever we call it, the essence of May 28 is the same. A concept that is growing stronger and whose impact on society and the lives of millions of women around the world continues to grow.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

The story of May 28 - how did World Menstrual Hygiene Day come to be?

World Menstruation Day still doesn't sound familiar? Have you never heard that May 28 celebrates menstrual hygiene? Don't worry, you're not alone: ​​it's still a relatively new concept.

This year marks just a decade since it was first started and celebrated.

That's why we're here! We tell you everything we know about the meaning of this day, how it affects you and how you can contribute to this movement.

Who launched the May 28 movement?

Menstrual Hygiene Day was launched by WASH United, a German non-profit organization that supports education, focusing on human rights and menstrual hygiene. WASH is not only the initiator but also the leader of this global movement.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

The credit, however, goes to the efforts of entrepreneurs, agencies and organizations around the world over many years. Even before 2013, health organizations everywhere began to draw attention to the real problems of menstrual hygiene management, globally.

In 2012, the OHCHR report indicated that it was common for teenage girls to miss school for an average of 3 days a month because families could not afford menstrual products.

When was International Menstrual Hygiene Day celebrated for the first time?

The long story of May 28 actually begins a long time ago. Organizations have been supporting women's health since the 1980s, pointing out the hygiene problems that result in diseases of the sexual and reproductive system.

As a result, after a meeting of the members of the Global Organization of Women for Reproductive Rights, May 28 was celebrated for the first time in 1987, declared the International Day of Action for Women's Health.

The efforts continued, and things constantly evolved. So later, in 2013, WASH United officially declared the same day, May 28, as World Menstrual Hygiene Day, with May 28, 2014, being celebrated for the first time globally.

Subtle Meaning - Why May 28?

And yet, have you ever wondered why exactly May 28? Is there some deeper meaning, or just coincidence? If you had this curiosity, here is the answer: yes, the day 28.05 was intentionally chosen, and the meaning is a thematic one.

The average length of a normal menstrual cycle is 28 days, hence the date of the 28th. As for May, this is the 5th month of the year, which is exactly how long, on average, the days of menstruation last each month .

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

Why do we celebrate World Menstrual Health Day?

Because we care. Because we want a change. Because we deserve - and girls and women around the world need - safe, hygienic and dignified conditions for proper menstrual management.

World Menstruation Day is about promoting proper menstrual health and hygiene, breaking the silence and raising awareness that millions of women around the world face menstrual issues:

  • Menstrual stigma and taboos;

  • Discomfort and even disgust around the subject;

  • Discrimination against women during menstruation;

  • Lack of menstrual education and access to correct information;

  • Menstrual poverty and unaffordable menstrual products.

In other words, May 28 emphasizes how important it is to understand that menstruation is a normal bodily function, that it is not a choice, and that menstrual products are not a luxury or a privilege either. But a basic need for women's sexual and reproductive health.

The stigma surrounding menstruation still exists

The anxiety and discomfort of discussing menstruation still exists. So is discrimination. Millions of girls miss school or even drop out altogether after they start menstruating, and shame is one of the reasons. Millions of women are discriminated against and stigmatized just because they menstruate.

They face negative attitudes, are considered impure, and are even excluded from social circles or from various activities. This stigma is one of the most important issues that International Menstrual Hygiene Day is trying to stop.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

Lack of access to menstrual information and education is a reality

Misinformation or incomplete and incorrect information are the main reasons why there are still myths and taboos deeply rooted in society's thinking.

How many times haven't you heard that you can't get pregnant on your period, or that you're not allowed to do sports? Or take a bath?! Well, in other parts of the world, the myths are taken to the extreme: menstruating women are considered impure and are not allowed to touch the plants because they will die, or they have to sleep separately in another bedroom.

It is silence and lack of education that perpetuates and further propagates such myths. And the consequences are suffered at the level of emotional, mental and physical health. That's why open communication and proper education about menstruation and menstrual hygiene are essential and another priority flagged on May 28.

Difficulties in maintaining menstrual hygiene - is there menstrual poverty in Romania too?

Menstrual poverty is among the main issues on which World Menstrual Hygiene Day raises a big alarm. The World Bank estimates that 500 million women worldwide lack access to menstrual products and adequate sanitation. And the consequences of improper menstrual hygiene are not minor:

  • Hepatitis B infection;

  • Candida infection;

  • Other fungal and bacterial infections;

  • Urinary tract infections;

  • Other diseases of the reproductive system.

The same menstrual poverty is not foreign in Romania either, where the situation affects 1 in 10 women. According to NGOs, 1 million teenage girls and women cannot afford to purchase menstrual products, and this is an important aspect that May 28 highlights.

Lack of access to healthy menstrual products

Along with lack of education and correct information, lack of access to healthy menstrual products results in us not knowing what it means to be healthy. We do not know the differences between these and conventional products. What is good to know?

  • Conventional products contain plastic, perfume and other chemicals.

  • These chemicals and synthetic fibers can cause allergies, itching or stinging.

  • 100% organic cotton pads and tampons are the healthy alternative.

  • Menstrual products made from pure ingredients and natural fibers prevent irritation.

  • It is important to use products without plastic, chlorine and other irritating substances.

  • Healthy menstrual products can relieve menstrual pain and heavy flow.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

These are some of the main basic information regarding healthy menstrual products and their importance. And Menstruation Day is a great opportunity to educate ourselves on this topic.

The objectives pursued by World Menstrual Health Day

In essence, it all boils down to two main goals that guide the entire May 28 celebration:

  1. Normalizing menstruation: breaking down taboos, myths about menstruation, eliminating stigma and discrimination against women on menstruation.

  2. Ending menstrual poverty by 2030: major goal pursued at scale by raising awareness of global challenges related to access to menstrual products and sanitary facilities for menstrual management.

Indeed, it is a large-scale and global movement. But it boils down to simple and clear goals that ultimately aim for the well-being and health of menstruating women everywhere in the world.

What is the theme pursued for May 28, 2023?

  • normalization of menstruation, details

Each year, a central theme of World Menstrual Hygiene Day is chosen and pursued for May 28. In the year 2023, the theme is the normalization of menstruation. Let's accept menstruation as a normal part of life, so that it is no longer an obstacle in anyone's way.

Because on average, on any given day of the year, more than 300 million women on the planet are menstruating. And it is necessary and normal that they should be able to access menstrual products and sanitary facilities without shame or stigma.

This year also continues the 2022 #WeAreCommitted campaign, representing the determination to achieve the goal of normalizing menstruation by 2030.

Who and how can contribute to the goals for World Menstrual Hygiene Day?

The reason we are talking about a global movement is that every contribution counts. Every supporter brings World Menstruation Day closer to its goal.

What does this mean? It means that everyone has a role in this initiative, from organizations and the state to each of us. Anyone can help raise awareness of the problem and become part of the solution. It's not just involvement in donations and charity that makes an impact. What you can do:

  • Become an MHDay Partner: Any non-profit organization, government agency or educational institution can become an official partner in the Menstrual Health Day (MHDay) campaign.

  • Organize an event: On May 28th, if you can, spread the word and make people aware of what Menstrual Hygiene Day is all about with an event.

  • Give out bracelets from the campaign: MHDay has prepared Menstrual Hygiene Day themed bracelets that you can give out at events.

  • Create an educational post: Information spreads so quickly on social media and your voice can reach millions of people.

  • Integrate the MHD logo: Use MHDay logos, stickers and hashtags in your social media posts to contribute to this movement. The themed hashtags for 2023 are #MHDay2023 and #WeAreCommitted, or:

    • #EndPeriodStigma

    • #EndPeriodPoverty

    • #PeriodEducationForAll

    • #PeriodFriendlyToiletsForAll.

Whispers transformed into ever louder voices end up inspiring the big changes. Even seemingly small gestures of support for campaigns on social networks contribute to the expansion of the initiative and its implementation. Ready to discover how you can get involved?

Supporting organizations calling for the removal of taxes on menstrual products

More and more states are choosing to reduce or completely eliminate the tax on menstrual products. Great Britain, for example, reduced the tax on these products to 0%.

And the European Union encourages the reduction of this tax, marking a step forward towards the disappearance of menstrual poverty. Therefore, supporting organizations that request the elimination of these taxes in Romania is one of the most effective ways in which you can contribute.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read EVERYTHING here!

Encouraging free access to menstrual products in schools, workplaces or public toilets

Did you know that Scotland is officially the first country in the world where menstrual products are free? Following suit, South Korea, New Zealand, France and other countries offer free tampons and pads in schools, high schools, colleges and/or other public institutions.

When - and if - you have the opportunity, choose to encourage free access to menstrual products in schools. Or support the petitions in Romania that request this. We talked more about how you can support menstrual health at work HERE , and World Menstrual Health Day offers you the perfect opportunity to start taking steps.

Participating in donations to organizations that provide menstrual products for girls around the world

In India, African countries and many other countries, millions of girls are reported to drop out of school after the onset of menstruation. The shame and stigma we've already talked about are only half the problem. Girls don't go to school anymore because they can't afford pads and tampons.

There are organizations that deal with providing these products to schoolgirls all over the world. If you can participate by donating to these organizations, your contribution counts!

Correct information about menstruation and stopping taboos

The lack of education is remedied by... education! Thousands of girls do not know anything about the menstrual cycle before their first period. Even more are complexed or embarrassed by this.

It is necessary for parents and adults to first of all inform themselves, then to properly educate children about the menstrual cycle. Preparing and educating girls about what's coming, how to menstruate, how to use tampons and pads, is the only way to destroy myths, taboos and shame.

Cliché or not, change starts with you!

Start by educating yourself! Do you know how powerful personal example can be?

Read, learn, and choose the right information about menstruation that is backed up by research or medical advice, not hearsay myths that promote shame, fear, and avoidance of cycle and menstrual hygiene communication.

Just as important is learning how your body works, how you manage your period, what healthy menstrual products mean, and why 100% organic cotton is healthier. Sometimes the personal change is enough for the people around you to follow you.

What does May 28 represent? ➤ What is the purpose of World Menstrual Hygiene Day? ➤ Menstrual Poverty ➤ Menstruation Day Goals ➤ Read ALL here!​​​​​​​

How do you maintain proper menstrual hygiene?

Do you know how to maintain proper menstrual hygiene for a healthy body? Below are some of the basic habits to implement for menstruation:

  • How often do you change your tampon or pad? Doctors recommend changing the menstrual product every time it is needed - when it fills. In the case of a flow that is not abundant, they change once every 4-8 hours. No tampon is designed to be worn for more than 8 hours.

  • How do you protect yourself from allergies? Conventional products may contain toxic ingredients and chemicals that cause or exacerbate menstrual allergies. Choose Enroush products from organic cotton and natural fibers for your intimate health.

  • What products do you use when you wash? In the intimate area, the pH is sensitive and you need a gentle cleansing that fights bacteria and infections without disturbing your balance. Use Enroush intimate gel with 95% natural ingredients.

  • What is the right underwear? As with pads and absorbents, cotton underwear is the most breathable and suitable to prevent allergies .

Celebrate Menstruation Day with the Enroush community

Every woman can celebrate Menstruation Day, and we warmly invite you to do it with us! Want to find out how you can join our community of women?

  • Follow us on social media: we're talking openly on social media, busting myths, and explaining all sorts of useful things about your menstrual cycle and intimate health, contributing to education - on May 28th and all year long!

  • Share our posts: so your friends can also have access to all the information and news we post, as well as our organic cotton products.

  • Make a post yourself: tell your followers about your period experiences, help take these discussions off the taboo list, or tell them how different and special the organic cotton in Enroush pads is.

  • Contribute to change at work: write to us if you're a manager, or send an email to HR to request free Enroush menstrual products at work, because Menstruation Day gives you the perfect opportunity to launch the initiative!

What impact does May 28 have for women around the world?

the impact that World Menstrual Hygiene Day has is encouraging. Following the most recent campaign in 2022, the movement reached over 680 million people and set global records in debunking myths about the menstrual cycle.

Ultimately, May 28 is about creating a world where menstruation is normal by 2030. Where every woman has access to menstrual products that she can change in privacy, dignity and safety, without having to give up her job or education.

With significant investments in menstrual hygiene and health, and ongoing large-scale outreach and education efforts, we are all helping to make this vision a reality!

For shame free conversations
and happily breaking taboos!
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