You've probably heard of the concept of body shaming. It's a phenomenon that most of us may have experienced at least once in our lives, and it consists of "bullying" based on physical appearance.
Because it is the act of mocking and humiliating someone based on their physical appearance and ability, body shaming translates into insults, criticism and humiliation directed at people who, in the view of those who offend them, are overweight or underweight, short, tall , they have a disability, they have freckles, and the list goes on for countless reasons.
Both the effects of abuse from others and the effects of not accepting your own body can lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and many other mental health issues. Think about it: every time you changed your mind and stopped wearing that bikini at the pool, every time you hid behind baggy clothes or went to the gym excessively to get in shape , every time you didn't feel beautiful enough – you underestimated and shamed your own body. And this should not happen!
Perhaps the most straightforward and straightforward advice is the importance of recognizing your body for what it is: your own person.
Without your body, you could not exist. In turn, your body has gone through a series of changes, challenges and hardships over time, and yet, it keeps you alive. And although you are not just a body, it is the body that enables you to be you. Once you recognize the importance of your body, don't stop there! You can show him that you love and support him in various ways. Here are just a few of them!
Enjoy the differences
Wouldn't it be a bit boring if everyone looked the same? The world is more beautiful the more diverse it is. After all, you travel to different places to explore different cultures and see landscapes you don't know - so why accept a 'standard of beauty'? The idea is not to compare yourself to other people, but to enjoy the aspects that make you unique, not "standard"!
Appreciate your peculiarities
That dimple in your cheek, that 12-year-old scar, that birthmark? Yes, they are only yours. They are unique signs that are part of your body and the way you look. Anyone who - directly or indirectly - makes you feel ashamed or stupid for the peculiarities of your body, is actually "body shaming". Don't be that person!
It changes the perspective
There are many times and situations where, if you are aware and present, you can slightly change your perspective. When you say "this period pain is going to be with me for the rest of my life?!" you say, in fact, that your own body is an obstacle against you. Which is absurd! Change the perspective and ask yourself "what can I do for myself today, so that I feel good?" What is the solution to get rid of cramps?” (PS: if you don't know about menstrual patches, it's time to find out)
Another situation in which you can change the perspective is to think: when you go out on the street, do you tell yourself that people are "ugly", "weak", "fat"? No, you don't. Then why would you do it for yourself? Look at yourself from the outside: how can you hate body-shaming and at the same time apply it to yourself? Think about it..
To wear or not to wear makeup? It's a complex subject, because there are as many opinions as there are preferences! But the only opinion that matters is yours. Do you like to wear makeup? Does it make you feel good? Is it an art form for you? Then use it and enjoy it! And if you feel it as an obligation and you feel you have to hide your face, try to give up anything that makes you feel ashamed of your own body! The point is to do whatever is comfortable for YOU and not for someone else.
Accepting yourself the way you are doesn't mean you can't improve things, especially when it comes to health! It's not wrong to want a stronger and healthier body, a lifestyle where you eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise, and so on. And if you haven't tried BIO menstrual products, made from 100% organic cotton - tampons, pads and daily pads - make a change for your menstrual and reproductive health! Eco menstruation? Yes, there is! I wrote a whole article about it !
Because sometimes, social media can be a sneaky means of heightening body shaming and harming mental health. Follow only those pages that make you feel good in your body and not like you should be someone else / something else. Discover body positivity!
Finally, take care - of yourself, your body, your soul and nature.