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8 women who inspire us every day

We know that women still have a long way to go when it comes to gender equality, although things are constantly changing (for the better).
Over the past 100 years, women and their role in society have undergone one change after another. And because the month of March is dedicated to them, I wrote about 8 women who inspire us every day. There are women who have changed the world, and they are not the only ones, but the truth is that we wouldn't have enough time to write about them all!

Virginia Woolf

Why she inspires us: Born in London in 1882, Virginia set the precedent that led thousands of women to break free from prejudice and follow their dreams: in short, to allow themselves to be themselves.

What you can learn from her: When you are authentic and express your feelings, you will inspire others.

virginia woolf, strong women
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Smaranda Brăescu

Why she inspires us: she was the first woman parachutist with a patent in Romania, also called the "Queen of Heights" she achieved the absolute world altitude record, in the parachute jump, achieved in 1932 in the United States of America

What you can learn from her: The courage to follow your dreams even when the rules don't allow it.

smaranda braescu, strong women, female pilot
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Shirley Temple

Why she inspires us: After a career as a child actress, Shirley was a diplomat and a pioneer in the fight for cancer awareness, saving thousands of lives.

What you can learn from her : how to talk openly about what affects you - because you could save a life.

Shirley Temple
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Naomi Parker Fraley

Why she inspires us: Her steely determination on the wartime " We Can Do It" poster inspired a generation of American women to help the war effort.
What you can learn: Get involved in causes you really believe in.

Naomi Parker Fraley
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Rosalind Franklin

Why he inspires us: He helped discover the structure of DNA.

What you can learn: How to celebrate yourself even when others don't recognize your merits.

Rosalind Franklin
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Indira Gandhi

Why she inspires us: She was the only woman Prime Minister of India and concluded the historic Simla Accord in 1972 to end the war between India and Pakistan.

What you can learn : how to forgive.

indira gandhi
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Dame Judi Dench

Why she inspires us: She's been in movies for over 60 years and won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for just 8 minutes of Shakespeare in Love.

What you can learn : how to give your best in everything you do

Dame Judi Dench
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Maya Angelou

Why she inspires us: She was one of the world's most prolific and beloved creative forces

What you can learn from her: "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou
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During Women's History Month, we honor the legacy of all women. Of those who came before us and who changed lives, societies and mindsets - not just other women and the world at large. And because today there are so many women taking up the baton, we owe it to ourselves to fight for what we believe in: access to menstrual care that does not harm either health or the environment.

For shame free conversations
and happily breaking taboos!
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